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i have no friends๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‹๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๏ฟฝ
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Chick magnet
Then go out and make some...
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
ever you want we be happy
4 yrs ago
if i dont answer u guys for awhile tomorrow its bc im fishing i hope i can talk to u guys tonight for awhile cause i can sleep
4 yrs ago
plz stop we all love you exspecially me u intered this world for a reason
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
If I died I just want you guys know I love you guys with all my heart
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I was so stupid I should just kill myself I had the chance
4 yrs ago
girl power
you guys care to much
4 yrs ago
girl power
such love birds
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I should just kill myself when I was younger so known this would happen
4 yrs ago
no its not
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
It's all my fault
4 yrs ago
yeah no one should die
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
me too
4 yrs ago
girl power
no one should die
4 yrs ago
i wont let it happen
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
No please. you have more in life lilcarly
4 yrs ago
no never
4 yrs ago
mamie should i die
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
ahh mamie they making me cry
4 yrs ago
no he not a monster hes a prince
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I'm guess I'm right I am a monster
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
Just like everyone else
4 yrs ago
girl power
no bc your a monster
4 yrs ago
girl power
why?you broke her heart and i hate you now
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sis please help me out here
4 yrs ago
girl power
and why is your heart broken?
4 yrs ago
girl power
that he is a monster
4 yrs ago
and what was he lying about
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
my hearts broken
4 yrs ago
girl power
sorry that was my brother lying to you i am sorry
4 yrs ago
no he wont
4 yrs ago
girl power
So just look out
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
girl power
and if you get him angry enough he will kill you
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
girl power
he is a killer
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
girl power
my bro he is a bad guy
4 yrs ago
girl power
he is bad
4 yrs ago
but i cant lie
4 yrs ago
girl power
never say that again he will never be amazing
4 yrs ago
your brother is amazing we have so much in common
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
that maen
4 yrs ago
girl power
not ah
4 yrs ago
well kinda he is really cool
4 yrs ago
girl power
eww so you do like my brother?
4 yrs ago
ik but i wish it wasnt
4 yrs ago
girl power
and you do know i know this is a prank
4 yrs ago
girl power
im backkkkkkkkkkk
4 yrs ago
girl power
idk either
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sorry i mean is @lilcarly here
4 yrs ago
no im not
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
are you lilcarly
4 yrs ago
oh ok bye
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
bye sis
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
just like my sis
4 yrs ago
girl power
i'm going
4 yrs ago
i like my sis but she is mean
4 yrs ago
girl power
and i seen that you don't like your sis on my brothers computer
4 yrs ago
yeah me and her always get in a fight
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
that good
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
my sis is in 5th and my dad good babe
4 yrs ago
girl power
and is your sis in 4th grade?
4 yrs ago
yeah and i meant it
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
and how your dad doing
4 yrs ago
girl power
oh nice
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
she fun
4 yrs ago
thats a really pretty color for a pretty girl
4 yrs ago
girl power
my fav color is teal
4 yrs ago
my sis is 10 and she is childish bc she is 10
4 yrs ago
girl power
and i am in 4th grade
4 yrs ago
girl power
well i am 10 years old
4 yrs ago
@Guest #9234196 i want to get to know you because your my babes sis
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
she's kind of funny and kind of weird kind of childish still
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
is the happy creepiest when our family
4 yrs ago
girl power
uhh ok
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
well first she is my sister
4 yrs ago
@Guest #9234196 i want to get to know you
4 yrs ago
girl power
@lilcarly can i be a friend?
4 yrs ago
girl power
ok but i am playing a game
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
yuki are you here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sis you can talk with her now
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
is true love you can't deny true love
4 yrs ago
yeah lol
4 yrs ago
girl power
can i be the first to say eww
4 yrs ago
i love you to babe
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I love you so much you mean the world to me
4 yrs ago
im here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
@mamle are you here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
would you looking at our text
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I know
4 yrs ago
@nobody let me tell u something no matter wat anyone say i will still be ur friend
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
girl power
hey lover birds i'm back
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
plus I bet the goddess of love is jealous
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
everyone at least have to blush
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
what's wrong with that
4 yrs ago
stop u making me blush
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
mamie you look so beautiful
4 yrs ago
yor welcome
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
thank you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
thats was nice i bet your handsome
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
and go away sister
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
me idiot
4 yrs ago
girl power
me or him?
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
you're welcome
4 yrs ago
aww thx
4 yrs ago
girl power
so do yo want a girl or a boy bc i will name it for you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
not prettyer then you
4 yrs ago
that a pretty color
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
my favorite color is red
4 yrs ago
any color
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
what's your favorite color
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
any questions
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
ik mow
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
my code is @gresd
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
my sis yuki
4 yrs ago
i thought u talk to me
4 yrs ago
you can see who
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
and your died
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I could see you you know so you better run
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
stop lying
4 yrs ago
oh lol
4 yrs ago
girl power
eww why? oh yeah did i tell you that he used to fart 24/7
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
my sister use my computer and she says what's up babe
4 yrs ago
ok password to get on is a8bd7k6
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
iยดm on remind
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
iยดm dating mamie
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
we are dating
4 yrs ago
girl power
brother you better tell me right now
4 yrs ago
girl power
what's going on
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
hi I'm back
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
girl power
do you like me
4 yrs ago
girl power
what i'm a girl
4 yrs ago
cleaning how about you bebe
4 yrs ago
girl power
can we talk for a bit
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
hey bebe what are you up to?
4 yrs ago
girl power
so how are you
4 yrs ago
girl power
so are you guys dating now
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
girl power
hey i will get it then so i will bother you lover birds
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
but remember we're still friends nothing more nothing less
4 yrs ago
girl power
bro your always depressed
4 yrs ago
can you get it then your sis cant inturupt us
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
no i donยดt have remind
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I feel depressed
4 yrs ago
do you have remind
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
are you ok
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
that good
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
yeah im fine
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
go way
4 yrs ago
girl power
i want to be a friend sis plz
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
are you ok
4 yrs ago
yeah well it doesnt matter to me
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I'm sorry that your ex cheated on you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sis why are you here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
why are you still here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sometime my family helps me out
4 yrs ago
girl power
ooooo making a new friend
4 yrs ago
dang they not real friends
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
i hate my life
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sorry i mean they want money form me every time when we hang out
4 yrs ago
i dont want money from u
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
because everything friend I met they just want money for me
4 yrs ago
well you got me im your friend no matter what
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
to be honest I don't want to have friends
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
don't get upset just because your dad at work think about what he's does for you
4 yrs ago
yeah you making friends to
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
and making friends
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
it's okay at least you can talk to people
4 yrs ago
i live with my dad but he is always at work
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
donยดt be like me i canยดt see my dad at all
4 yrs ago
ok my family there nice i love them and i live in kansas
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
you should go see your dad more often then
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
that's cool at least you can see your family more often
4 yrs ago
besides my dad
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
tell me about your family
4 yrs ago
i dont like it but it hellped me and my family closer
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
what's your family mostly about
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
where do you live
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
how do you feel about the Coronavirus
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
what else you want to know about me
4 yrs ago
besides one he just dumped me
4 yrs ago
ok im 16 from the united states all my xs cheated on me
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
so tell me a little bit about yourself
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
it will be fun trust me
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
it's for the prank
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
ok we are dating now
4 yrs ago
sure lol
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
do you want to do a prank on my sister
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
hey you know what would be fun
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
iยดm going crazy
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
funny nice careing bikes to hang out take a walk or ride bikes
4 yrs ago
oh ok lol
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
she the one that makes me date girl after girl until she found me a right person
4 yrs ago
yes we friends
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
its fin but i never met your sis
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I know you're still here Yuki signed out
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
are we still friends
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sorry for my family
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sorry my dad and sis they like to tease me about girls a lot
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
I am leaving
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
my sis is cazry
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
iยดm 15
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
lยดm a boy
4 yrs ago
y u say my name three time
4 yrs ago
girl power
i farted
4 yrs ago
nobody is a guy
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Yeah your the sis now
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Yeah your the sis now
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
At least I'm not girl crazy
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Why he always gets wippings from me
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
don't listen to that please she driving me crazy
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
can you go please
4 yrs ago
that not my brother lol
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
please Dad and sis
4 yrs ago
girl power
mamie stop acting like you are your brothers mother!
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
can you go on
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
she the creepiest one in the family
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Son I know you have a CRUSH if you don't tell me who then I will DROUND YOU!!
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Son I know you have a CRUSH if you don't tell me who then I will DROUND YOU!!
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
she is
4 yrs ago
y you act like yor sis is creepy
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
can you guys stop please
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Oooooo now you have another crush I'll plan the wedding
4 yrs ago
girl power
unless you want me to embarrass you
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Oooooo now you have another crush I'll plan the wedding
4 yrs ago
were is she
4 yrs ago
girl power
stop now son
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
yuki yuki yuki
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
you see I know you're still here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I hate my life
4 yrs ago
girl power
why does she do this to you a lot
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I think she like to tease me a lot about girls
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
girl power
and why is she here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
my younger sister
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
are you here sis
4 yrs ago
???? who yuki
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
yes she here we are died
4 yrs ago
girl power
she here
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
f#!k off please Yuki
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
hell no
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
I think he means me unless you want to be apart of the family
4 yrs ago
im not yo sis lol
4 yrs ago
bc i have nothing to do and you guys are telling a story
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
why are you here sis
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
why are you here @mamie
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Why are you guys fighting
4 yrs ago
Guest #9292306
Girly girl
4 yrs ago
oh yeah i forgott it a story
4 yrs ago
girl power
can you stop you're breaking my heart
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
someone that doesn't even exist
4 yrs ago
then what jack
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
it's not that Jack we are talking about
4 yrs ago
girl power
son are you ok
4 yrs ago
Jack Kincaid is a multitalented creative person. He is an author, an audio producer, a voice actor, a sound designer, a film student, and a musician, among other things. Founder of Slipgate Nine Entertainment, Jack is the producer and creator of the modern-styled audio drama series โ€œEDICT ZERO โ€“ FISโ€
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
let's text on a different page
4 yrs ago
girl power
oh I didn't
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
no you don't you just adopt me so I could be a slave to you
4 yrs ago
girl power
i orphan you cuz I love you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
itล› kincaid
4 yrs ago
i like that name do u have last name for this story\
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I was an orphan and they adopted me
4 yrs ago
ik it a story
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
and he's not my real dad
4 yrs ago
i like that name do u have last name for this story
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
his name is jack
4 yrs ago
awww y not its just a story
4 yrs ago
girl power
I'm a hacker I can't tell you my name
4 yrs ago
what is your nameGuest #9234196
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I forgot about that
4 yrs ago
girl power
you know I got my ways
4 yrs ago
what is your nameGuest #9234196
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
first tell me this how did you find me on fotofriend
4 yrs ago
girl power
before you hack me out can I see your face it's been 2 years
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
so you can go away
4 yrs ago
girl power
why are you hacking me son
4 yrs ago
girl power
why are you hacking me son
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I can't believe you actually thought of me
4 yrs ago
girl power
I just want to see your face before I die
4 yrs ago
girl power
son please understand
4 yrs ago
if you die then you wont be able to get him back you will be dead
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
just die
4 yrs ago
oh ok cary on
4 yrs ago
girl power
even it means that I have to die
4 yrs ago
about what
4 yrs ago
girl power
I just want my son back
4 yrs ago
girl power
I don't care
4 yrs ago
girl power
i taught him some stuff
4 yrs ago
you talking to me is in this story that your are telling woow lol
4 yrs ago
girl power
I didn't tell him everything I know
4 yrs ago
girl power
i will find you
4 yrs ago
if he you taught him everything then he knows lol
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
but I got someone inside that will help me out
4 yrs ago
girl power
you don't know everything I taught you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
I am a hacker to so don't forget
4 yrs ago
oh ig not
4 yrs ago
girl power
you know I'm a hacker
4 yrs ago
girl power
you know I'm a hacker
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
mom died because of you
4 yrs ago
nice story is it over lol
4 yrs ago
girl power
it is sad
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
this is why
4 yrs ago
this story is sad
4 yrs ago
girl power
i am sorry i don't mean to kill him
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
you can't be overprotective dad
4 yrs ago
girl power
I just want you to know that I love you
4 yrs ago
girl power
i'm sorry
4 yrs ago
girl power
it ok
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sorry dad
4 yrs ago
what you do earlier
4 yrs ago
what you do earlier
4 yrs ago
girl power
please son you know I do anything to find you
4 yrs ago
girl power
I'm sorry what I did earlier
4 yrs ago
girl power
please talk to me
4 yrs ago
girl power
I know you still here son
4 yrs ago
nobody you talk to your dad like that
4 yrs ago
girl power
goodbye son
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
that it
4 yrs ago
girl power
please come back
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
and just because you're rich doesn't mean you send a whole bunch of men after me
4 yrs ago
girl power
i love you son
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
no you donยดt
4 yrs ago
girl power
i miss you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
girl power
please just come back
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
It's too late for apology now
4 yrs ago
girl power
are you happy now
4 yrs ago
nobody you talk to your dad like that
4 yrs ago
girl power
fine i'm sorry
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
go way
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
girl power
are you here
4 yrs ago
girl power
just wait
4 yrs ago
nobody you talk to your dad like that
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
just go way
4 yrs ago
girl power
i'm has dad
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
no iยดm not going home so off f#!k
4 yrs ago
oh i geuused that who is@ Guest #9234196
4 yrs ago
girl power
and you are going home if you like it or not
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
sorry iยดm alex
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
f#!k off
4 yrs ago
what you guys talking about who are you@Guest #9234196 and who is @alex
4 yrs ago
girl power
and now you are died
4 yrs ago
girl power
that it i was being nice
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
girl power
Alex your going home now
4 yrs ago
thats rude
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
not this again
4 yrs ago
girl power
f#!k you
4 yrs ago
ok i was confused bc i didnt do nothing
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
u talkimg to me @nobody
4 yrs ago
girl power
i will see you soon
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
f#!k off
4 yrs ago
well then dot tell people to do things if you dont do the same
4 yrs ago
girl power
just wait
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
try if you want
4 yrs ago
girl power
i will find you
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
why are on fotofriend
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
girl power
why are you doing this
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
girl power
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
i just to people help
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
All I need is me and myself I have no shame because my life is just game and I don't care what keeping score everybody keeps thinking I'm strange sucking in my brain
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
i did but iยดm here to help people like you and horselover
4 yrs ago
dang and you told me and horselover to be friends
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
i have no friends but that's okay I don't need them anyway I do my best I'm on my own and I just rather be alone I have no friends but I be fine I don't need them to pass the time
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend
4 yrs ago
i would love to be ur friend
4 yrs ago
@The Fiend (9 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
17 yrs old from United States. Followed By 8, Following 12
20 4 yrs ago
T or D
1 4 yrs ago
i don't need friends
3 4 yrs ago
can someone talk to me plz anyone
920 4 yrs ago
34 4 yrs ago
iยดm drinking
23 4 yrs ago
I feel depressed
7 4 yrs ago
i was too shy
415 4 yrs ago
i have no friends๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๏ฟฝ ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜†…
14 4 yrs ago
nice to meet y'all I hope that was all I could be friends
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