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hair cut? hahaha
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defs need a hair cut tho
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
hey ill talk to you when i get backkk from lunch ok coz im in the library and its getting kinda boring in here so ill go but ill inbox you soon cyyaaaa
12 yrs ago
ok well ill add you on facebook after school ok coz im just at lunch atm and what is your skype name ill try adding you ??
12 yrs ago
says theres none with that name
12 yrs ago
ryan pimentel and it wont let me add you on skype
12 yrs ago
whats your name on both ill add you tonight kk:P my facebook name is taylor barrett and my skype name is Tayy_babe") so just put that in ok
12 yrs ago
my teachers is being a s#!t hole she wont let me commmetn on anythng :( Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
12 yrs ago
and your skype name too ??:)
12 yrs ago
whats your facebook name ??
12 yrs ago
you add me on face book :) and yeah i have that too
12 yrs ago
i couldnt get it sorry but add me on faceyyboook okayy :) and do you have skype ?? you can add me on that too if you want :P x
12 yrs ago
and i texted you
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
do you have facebook ?? ill add you on that ??:)
12 yrs ago
well basically mine is 0477816617 and youurs wont work coz it has to be like 04 then 8 other numbers but you txt me now ill see if it comes thru
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
what you mean it doesnt go in your phone? :( and mobile like 14?
12 yrs ago
it wont work sorry that number doesnt go in my fone :( dont you have a mobile like 04??
12 yrs ago
2507101542, might be 12507101542
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
i dont have your number ?? it would be good if i did have it lol:
12 yrs ago
text me?
12 yrs ago
yeaah my number is 0477816617
12 yrs ago
yeaah my number is 0477816617
12 yrs ago
i dont think that was your number hahaha
12 yrs ago
kk did :)
12 yrs ago
and thats my real number btw :) biut yeahh u should txt me im really niceee and funny i give the best fone calls ever !!:P i gtg byeeeee cyaaaaa:)
12 yrs ago
yeaaahh i am at skool and the bells about to go :( so you should txt me my number is 0477816617 :)
12 yrs ago
just bout to go to bed hbu? :) and your in school!?!?!?!
12 yrs ago
and you should follow me =)P
12 yrs ago
@Pimentel anytime :") so whatcha doinggg?? im in history boring as s#!ttt:(
12 yrs ago
thanks :D
12 yrs ago
niiiceee haiirr :P looking greeaat todaay
12 yrs ago
Pimentel Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
29 yrs old from Canada. Followed By 84, Following 13
3 12 yrs ago
3 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
3 12 yrs ago
77 12 yrs ago
96 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
11 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
2 12 yrs ago
hair cut :0
Reply 12 yrs ago
13 12 yrs ago
35 12 yrs ago
hair cut? hahaha
34 12 yrs ago
65 12 yrs ago
30 12 yrs ago
am i able to delete my profile? :) hahah
20 12 yrs ago
10 12 yrs ago
DEFS need a haircut hahaha
2 12 yrs ago
8 12 yrs ago
need a haircut? hahaha
8 12 yrs ago
20 12 yrs ago
25 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
43 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
19 12 yrs ago
10 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
57 12 yrs ago
58 12 yrs ago
hahaha WEST SIDE!! got a new phone too :D
8 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
124 12 yrs ago
my pictures are soo boreing!! LOL
35 12 yrs ago
i never meant to hurt you:(
163 12 yrs ago
i still love you :s
5 12 yrs ago
7 12 yrs ago
142 12 yrs ago
time for work!!! hahah
63 12 yrs ago
really gotta stop takein so many pics hahaha
9 12 yrs ago
46 12 yrs ago
13 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
42 12 yrs ago
68 12 yrs ago
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