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22 yrs old from United States. Followed By 8, Following 6
Reply 8 yrs ago
should i goto school like this or with it up
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
25 8 yrs ago
one of the little devils i watch
Reply 8 yrs ago
2 8 yrs ago
when u got nothing better to do
1 8 yrs ago
when your bf falls asleep on u but it's cute so ur ok with it
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
1 8 yrs ago
that day your teacher is gone
Reply 8 yrs ago
today is better my ex hasn't talked to me yay
1 8 yrs ago
worst day ever so far
Reply 8 yrs ago
6 8 yrs ago
scary monkey
6 8 yrs ago
talking on phone with boyfriend
Reply 8 yrs ago
8 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
when u want your hair done
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
when some asks u out
Reply 8 yrs ago
when your friend don't want pic taken and her boyfriend wanted to
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
sngle out of that relasionship preety good if i say
Reply 8 yrs ago
Reply 8 yrs ago
when your boyfriend tells your friends his thinking about braking up with u
2 8 yrs ago
first day back in school
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
when me and my friend are tie dying something and some one scarys us
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
when 2 out of 3 step sisters are asleep
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
when u r mom istalking and u take a pic of her
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
when u like some one but u r shy
Reply 9 yrs ago
when u and your step sister have tht moment
Reply 9 yrs ago
Reply 9 yrs ago
the time remember you have to hide your nose ring from your dad
Reply 9 yrs ago
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