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12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
its ok lol :P
12 yrs ago
wow.. sorry to hear about that.. sorry for askn questions too
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i really dont know !
12 yrs ago
wow. thats scary. do u ever think about it? like wishing u knew. If u do meet her, what would u say? would u live with her? and if she gave birth to u, how hard is it to find her.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hes being try to find her for like 6 yrs its just imposible !
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i know haha umm dad dont know eather
12 yrs ago
ask ur dad?
12 yrs ago
Aw I'm sorry to hear that.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
no i live with mii step mum i dont know where my real mum lives ..
12 yrs ago
what do u mean u don't really know your mom.. You live with her don't chu? and wow thats crazy.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
idk aye she a bitch and i dont really know my mum :'( and it came in the phone when i bought it !
12 yrs ago
Why she do dat.. Did she buy it? You should tell your mom.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
same with me my step mum tock mi sim and not giving it back >:(
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
lol.. haha thanks. I wish I had my hone, I could talk to him. I need to hear his voice!! DYING , BREATHE LOST./
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yes i did hahah you would b cute !
12 yrs ago
omg this dude ryan I'm chating with he is soo cute!! o.o omg did u see his pics. o.o
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
yeah I agree with your friends. I was totally thinking that/ but I didn't feel like typing it. haha.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
thats what mi friends said they said get one that is friends with him so he feeels bad bout himself ! but i dont want to make him jelous
12 yrs ago
Wow you should get a nother one. But not soo soon.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yeah im ok im sorta used it now .
12 yrs ago
I KNW. so are you okaii , I know you just broke up wiff your dude. :(
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
Ikr. And ym sister seen it, And she thought it was a parsnip. Shes 5. and I'm like.. Julie go play with meghan.. O.o soo embrassign!! gross i hate that dude
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
thats *
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
lol thays yuk
12 yrs ago
Yeeahh Like Pronto. And he keeps Messagiong me on my ipod saying s#!t. and omg he showed me a lovely pic of his **** ! wowow. How matture can he bee.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i would chang partners
12 yrs ago
Like today in Class Development, he was sittig next to me, and we had to write an essay about baby developments during 1 years of age. and he was talking to me askn when can he come to my house and stuff, and I was trynna get a good class, and he took a cigratte from his pants.. and but it in my shirt. like in between. And then when I was standing up at my desk I pulled out my chair , and I was counting the people in the class and he came up behind me and grabed my waist and I felt IT. O.O and is this sexualy harrasment. CAUSE IF IT IS IM TELLING MY MOTHER.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
cool. I'm sleeping oveer at my ex before this break up. He became a really good friend. And Tonight were gunna have a PAR-TAY. lol. And that dude from my child d class, well today he went to far, and I like him and all but I don't like how he be touching me. and I'm gunna ask my teachers to switch partnerts.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
im back and no i was just at her house for two days lol
12 yrs ago
oh okay bai
12 yrs ago
soo is that gurl breanna your sister?
12 yrs ago
oh .. kk
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
ill put it up after lunch at 200 ok lol ttyl :)))
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
lol ill add it to the hall of fame !!
12 yrs ago
oh okay.. find them soon ^_^ . she said ya welcomes.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
thanks ashley !!:)
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i have to find them there from the last time we went out though !! lol
12 yrs ago
Ohh cool.! and my friend ashely said your ppretty. shes with me now.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yes i think i do ill put them up now XD
12 yrs ago
Aww, I'm happy you too are together!! do u have any pics of you two together?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
he** lol um idk he had no reason i not sure i was breaking down crying and i couldnot consentrate on my skool work and yeah i was so upset :'(.
12 yrs ago
her? you mean he? and Ohh why'd he dump you? did you do something bad?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i tryed ignoring him cos i still loved him but i couldnot do it anymore soo were going back out :D yay i was soo happy tlking to him again !! i ope it lasts longer than the rest lol the lat time we went out it lasted 2months then her dumped me :"(
12 yrs ago
.wow. on and off .. Sorry to say I wouldn't bother losing it to a dude like that. If I were you I would wait for some one more important.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
well this is the 7 time weve gone out but last night her asked me out on fb yeah lol .
12 yrs ago
lol.. so how long have yous been dating?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yes of cos im a virgin lol im only 15 and im not really ready yet though mi bf asked me last night on fb lol i said 6 months and he said 5 months and we dealed on that im scared !!
12 yrs ago
I told my dad it was for a class. And then he said okayy, but i shouldn't go having sex. and my mom said im in 11th grade , I'm old enuff. AND THAT DUDE i dated before, we really din't do it, he just wanted me to lye about it. LOL WHHATT JERK. SO IM STILL A vIRGIN,, rU ?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
my mum dont care if i have sex aslong as i last 6 months in RELATIONSHIP and we love each other ;) lol have fun facing the consquences
12 yrs ago
ohh cool. And I'm getting in trouble in about five mins. cause my dad is going thru my closet. and my child class, gave me a bunch of condoms. and my dad found them , and now he is freakin out. Brb, facing the consquences.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
nup im only in y9 prob will next yr though im not sure :)
12 yrs ago
I know right. But i was so scared.. And my baby from class , won't shut up. she keeps crying.. She has a tatto on her arm that says S&J. Johnny did that. lol.. it will cost me my grade. o.o :( lol Do u have child development class?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
wow lol
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
Lmao .. Haha. Todai in Chid development class , me & my fake partner ( some really hottie named Johnny ) he's a bad boi. like he smokes behind the school,. He cruses alot . he wears leather boots with chainz on them. lol .. well we had to learn the child labor. and it was soo weird cause we had to watch a video. and the ladie was giving birth a girl ran out the class cause she threw up on her partner. Lol. AND THE LIGHTS WERE OFF WHEN WE HAD TO WATCH THE VIDEO. AND JOHNNY SAT NEXT TO ME. AND I COULD FEEL HIS HAND ON MY THIGH . GOING CLOSER AND CLOSER TO MY INNER THIGH. AND I HURRYED AND RAISED MY HAND AND ASKED TO BE EXCUSED. omg whata weird day.!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
awwww llolololololol
12 yrs ago
Yea It was boring at work, (i work at mcdonalds).. There was this fat kid who looked 11, he was eating 3 burgers, 4 apple pies, 2 big slurpees. 2 large fries. And 1 frosty. and when one of his apple pies fall , he started crying saying, MY APPLE PIEEEEE. MOMMY. I was just laughing, then felt sad for him cause it looked like he was enjoying his food. lol
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
ohh hahah XD
12 yrs ago
Lol I was at work!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
cya have a good sleep
12 yrs ago
Baii Jas!! :)x
12 yrs ago
well i g2g its 11 and i got2go to work.. tired.. :'( ttyl
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
same :P
12 yrs ago
?? Hmm.weiirdd.I'm clueless
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
maybe i dont nkow what iv ate though ?!?!?? :/
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
i wondeerr... maybe it was sumthing u at?
12 yrs ago
i wondeerr... maybe it was sumthing u at?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yEah i i took a tablet
12 yrs ago
im in 11th grade, and a cramp ? did u go to the nurse?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i got science and i feel sick and iv got a cramp in my tummy :'( and im inn yr 9 yiu ?
12 yrs ago
Aww don't cry,I wanted to , aswell but its okay. Thinggs like this happen always. (i think). .. . :'( Sooooo whatcha up 2 .. what grade r u in?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
awwww i want to cry :'( .!
12 yrs ago
now every year people go to the blown up spot in New york and put pics, stuffbears, candles and condolinces to there..
12 yrs ago
well on sep 9 the 11th 2001 , terriost crashed into two important towers called the twin towers, where military, fireman , kids, workers, and alot of pople were in crashed into 4 planes on purpose, more than 1000 people died that day, ashes feeld the streets , everything was all blown up, and dark. people and family, A little girl that was 9 got blown up she was just there for a second. it was a tragidy. :(
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
no what happened !?!?!? :'(
12 yrs ago
I'm just watchn tv. its like 10 pm here and Everyone is crying on tv,cause of the accendent in Ny were i live. 9/11 .. do u know about it?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
iv got school now its almost lunch in like an hour lol im good you ?
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
HeyHey Hey, ! It was soo boring in school. My teacher triped down One step and his head piece of hair fell off. Lmao.! AND omg a really really cute bOi asked me out. and I'm likkee ' Uhh No'. Cause he is mean, and he had sex wiff all my friends. soo i was like gross!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hey , how was your day at school ?!?!? :)
12 yrs ago
well i gtg now. i have 5 mins left. and i g2g2 skool. Night.. lol ^_^
12 yrs ago
i'll go one day..
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
I know thats what i was saying, but my mom is like a control freak ,..SHE MAKES SMALL THINGS SEEM BIG..
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hahah dont just walk on land than :)
12 yrs ago
i dunno , I just was wondern.. I want to go to Australia soo bad. But my mom is scared of the huge sharks there, lol !! no offence.
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
nup y that
12 yrs ago
Lol I know. Hey Have you ever been to USA or Newyork?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
aww thanks hahah but there mine lol ..
12 yrs ago
I Like your eyes.. I wish I had eyes like yourrs!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
aww yeah cool
12 yrs ago
AND I GO TO SCHOOL AT 9. soo i guess i gots time.
12 yrs ago
i live in new york (USA) were its 8:34 !
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
cool but its 10:33 pm
12 yrs ago
Cool! well i g2g to school.. Baii
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
friends are forever :)
12 yrs ago
what does your shirt say?
12 yrs ago
Yup. ^_^
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
arh thanx
12 yrs ago
Cute! ;3
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
:) hi
12 yrs ago
hello my name is josh
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !! Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
27 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 111, Following 90
single yass high school yr 9 add me on fb jassy govier :))
1 12 yrs ago
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35 12 yrs ago
10 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
just did an exam :(
3 12 yrs ago
omg me and reece mastin lol
2 12 yrs ago
aha :)
Reply 12 yrs ago
im boed tlk to me someone new pls aha ..
Reply 12 yrs ago
8 12 yrs ago
2 12 yrs ago
i respect this aha .. !
Reply 12 yrs ago
me and katelyn
16 12 yrs ago
2 12 yrs ago
meee and breanus
5 12 yrs ago
3 12 yrs ago
um ok
Reply 12 yrs ago
yeah buddie
Reply 12 yrs ago
7 12 yrs ago
my hat
Reply 12 yrs ago
7 12 yrs ago
mi besti xo
4 12 yrs ago
yukk its looks horrible i hate this pic !!
3 12 yrs ago
mee and nicole 'n' gemma
1 12 yrs ago
yeah !
5 12 yrs ago
im bored some talk to mee boy or girl idc lol ;)
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
dreaming O_0
Reply 12 yrs ago
2 12 yrs ago
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110 12 yrs ago
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4 12 yrs ago
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1 12 yrs ago
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Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
sexy an we now it : )
Reply 12 yrs ago
selfies ;;D
1 12 yrs ago
mee and bree's sister lol :)
6 12 yrs ago
3 12 yrs ago
were cool like that ;)
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