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no matter what happens ill all ways have you
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courtney you didn't make me come, i came, i suggested it, you just followed along, please dont keep blaming this on yourself
12 yrs ago
BreannaaLouiseeXX<3 :)
its alright (:
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
thanx bree im glad u care as well as sussie
12 yrs ago
BreannaaLouiseeXX<3 :)
calm down guys :) hope ur alright courtz :))
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
its still my falut
12 yrs ago
well for starters i was the one who suggested it, i was the one who also said come back and it was my fault we got caught. if i hadn't of said that we come back then we wouldn't have gotten caught
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
everything like all ways
12 yrs ago
but tell me what you think makes it your fault?
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
its mine ok
12 yrs ago
well who's fault is it then? its not yours meatball
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
calm down ive got this !!!!!!!!!!! gezzzzz
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
dont tell me to shhhh
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
shhhhhh both of you your colging my notifycations .,....
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
no its not
12 yrs ago
its not your fault and it never is please dont take this on yourself, i was the one who wanted to go in the first place so therefor its my fault
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
it all my fault f#!k im going to do what i do best and give up on everything
12 yrs ago
i know its going to be really hard but just try take your mind of it, "you know who" shouldn't be angry at you. its stupid, don't let it get to you
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yeah i know
12 yrs ago
please dont worry about it, you know youll always have me
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
f#!k it
12 yrs ago
no you will be coming back please don't do this
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
and im sorry if i dont come back
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
from now on when i say f#!k off plz listen
12 yrs ago
please don't be sorry
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
f#!k it soz peopel
12 yrs ago
dont worry about it courtney honestly your mum just probably said something and "you know who" shouldn't be pissed at you :c
12 yrs ago
its ok thank u for telling me
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
let me just say its no you guys im just so over this s#!t hole
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
we f#!king aren't taking it out on anyone. f#!k. you want to know everything and we just won't tell you f#!king get over it we arent in the mood ot fight
12 yrs ago
that dosent mean that u have a right to take it out on other people just saying
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
im pissed off
12 yrs ago
jas dont worry about them ok
12 yrs ago
nothing as a matter of fact
12 yrs ago
nothing as a matter of fact
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
what is your problem ?
12 yrs ago
oh wow your cool aren't you
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
jas im about to block you if u dont stop
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
so what jasmine your s#!tty at us all because we don't tell you something so little that doesn't really matter towards you, if we want to tell you then we will tell you alright. stop stiring up courtney and just get on with life and stop dwelling on the fact that we won't tell you what's going on
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yeah ? well NO
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
@Consuela junior :)) agreed
12 yrs ago
stop spamming this
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
wat hell is going on here
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
mind your manners !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
theres no one like meeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
*loads gun*
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
*pulls gun out*
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yeah we exablished that didnot we
12 yrs ago
i wasnt talking to u jas lol
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i just dont want to talk to anyone about it. and i DONT TELL EVERYONE EVERTHING
12 yrs ago
she's not in the mood
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i was agrreeeing with you katelyn ?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
who r u talking to ?
12 yrs ago
y i was backing u up and u just tell me to f#!k offnice
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
NO I WILL NOT OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i said no to courtney and yeah wtf to you ..
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
im hungry want some sandwich
12 yrs ago
jas who r talking to
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
no !
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
? yeah wtf
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
f#!k off
12 yrs ago
courtney jasmine has a point we tell each other everthing
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
she is writng notes on how to cook us XD
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
bhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahahahhahahaahasha
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
tell us gezz i though we were all friends ??? friends tell each other every thing ! ... :/
12 yrs ago
i think shannonator might eat us up courto
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
oh ok courtney and ok suzzie love ya
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
dont worry katelyn
12 yrs ago
lol sorry i was taking a photo
12 yrs ago
huh whos playing with there ear
12 yrs ago
hey did u guys get court
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
idfk stop playing with ur ear plz
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hey katelyn
12 yrs ago
please dont take the blame for it courtney i was the one who wanted to, its not your fault im just worried about what your mum will say
12 yrs ago
hey suzzie and courtney missing u both
12 yrs ago
hey suzzie and courtney missing u both
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
and hey jas dw about it
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
im going to sussie
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
?????????????????????????? hello where were you
12 yrs ago
dude its okay its not your fault believe me and dont take the blame for it please courtney
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
@Consuela junior :))
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
@Jr consuela ;)
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
where r u mrs his cock was looking for you in english
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i no :c sorry sussie
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
yes jas my bestie
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
my besti
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
um yes
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
@Jr consuela ;) please hurry and add me on fb please :)
12 yrs ago
your pretty
12 yrs ago
your pretty
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i know same
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
kk i mis talking to u !
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
kk i mis talking to u !
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hhahahahaha jas and alyssa ill add u soon
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
alyssa karlie lay
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
shhhhhh both of you your colging my notifycations hahhaah ihust cant spell XD .,....:)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yes yes im
12 yrs ago
ohhyou veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy funny
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhh i see wat you did there
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
why noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
12 yrs ago
ooooooooooo you very pretty
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
which one??
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
who you talking to bro??? :0
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
a friend lol
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
who r u tlking to courtney ?????????? :))
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i know ill look you up on facebook when i get my phone back :D wats your name on facebook
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
haha im sorry we need to talk more i miss talking to you !!
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
nm being boredlol wbu
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wyd :)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
omg hey :)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3 Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
26 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 35, Following 99
f#!k you haters
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
chillen with this kid XD
3 12 yrs ago
vjhwdfhargvvhhjvfhhf hfsdkFHREKJFAUERFUFf ofeu
Reply 12 yrs ago
im the devils bitch
Reply 12 yrs ago
15 12 yrs ago
so call me maybe
Reply 12 yrs ago
stretcher :D
6 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
being bored as f#!k
2 12 yrs ago
yeah yeah
Reply 12 yrs ago
isnt she just sey
Reply 12 yrs ago
HACKED!!!! :)
3 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
238 12 yrs ago
no matter what happens ill all ways have you
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
got you pedo
7 12 yrs ago
hahahahahahahahahhah a got you
Reply 12 yrs ago
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Reply 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
16 12 yrs ago
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21 12 yrs ago
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Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
16 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
hehehe :)
2 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
love you guys
3 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
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