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~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Heyy @conselua junior girl..... Uhh this is mee .♥Jade♥.. *Wild One* ... new account. idk if you rememeber mee. but iwas apart of the whole matt and taylor breaking up. lol
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Uhh thats sad.. umm you should say I'll miss you. or something funny like i know your miss me.. you know..?? or just say I love you!! :)
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
o ok ay
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ohhhhhhhh babe i love you i dont no wat to do justed whe he is about to get in the car run up and hug him and tell him
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hahahahahahaha u all fell for it me n courtney mad up that jk lol
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
@Lost Lovebird ♥ my boyfrinnd is movingnfriday
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
,mty boyfrined is moving friday how do i tell him that i love him with out saying love u
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
But for real Your only like 15 and your Prego.. ok this is my moment to say. What the Hell' !!!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
... thanks ..
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Uhh Congrats.. Heehehe sorry if thats offencsive!!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
no please ..... !! :'(
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i wont trusted me
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yes but dont tell anyone please !!! ....
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
dont tell anyone only me and you no
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
omg r u serious jassy?
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i was jk but jazzy really is preg
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
its no joke ive been geting sick in the mornnigs :'(
12 yrs ago
f#!k YOU ALL ILL GET HITLER ONTO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
susan i cheated on you with jazzy soz
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i knew it jazzy
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
but its true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! :/
12 yrs ago
YOU RUINED THE MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
um guys i didnot tell u ,but im pregnat thats y ive been sick :/ sorry from not telling u :'(
12 yrs ago
yeah i know ;)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
no but you do
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
wait, so you do have a doodle???
12 yrs ago
wait, so you do have a doodle???
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
what 0_o ?!?!?!!?!?!? .....
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hahahahahaha i knew i was the dad
12 yrs ago
yeah its actually courtneys
12 yrs ago
hahahaha i know
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
is it my lol
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@-if only you knew- hahahaha No your not!! :P
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Babe i love u I care about yu :3 whats wrong??
12 yrs ago
ii'm pregnant
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
whats wronge
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
i need to tl to sum one who cares right now or cares bout me
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Teehee Otay!! :) lol
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
ill come see you when u move caz i go up there every now and again
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Oh kool!! Truthfully i cant stay in a car. plane, or any transportion vehicle for 12 hours.. I would start crying.. i hate long rides lol :)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
yass its about 12 hours away for brisbane
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Yeaahh!! :) Not to sound all stalkerish but where do you live>?? lolololol
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
really thats so cool lost lovebird
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yeah just did lol hahah what a wierd one lol :)
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
cool!! i think im moving soon!! to Brisbane ^.^
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
look at my photo of jayden
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
nothin hahaha :)u ?!?!?!?
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
wats everyone up to
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
im bored to
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
@lost lovebird ,hey im bored aswell aye hahah SCIENCE:/lol :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
heey :) just chillinng in science feeaat courtneey and listeniing to the teacher blabber on abouut s#!t wbuu?
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Hey people I'm so bored!! whatcha doin ??
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hahahahahahha you old lady
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
i need my glasses, i can't see :P
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
ewww its susann ;P
12 yrs ago
yeahhh buddy
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
dam that sucks
12 yrs ago
don't laugh at me D: hahahahaha oh and i just remembered that i have money for a large milk for you lauren and i XD
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hahahhahahahahahhahahhahahah ahhahahhahahahahahahahahaha dam
12 yrs ago
nothing, thats it......... D': and i think someone farted because its stinkyyyyyyyyy :( [not my pocket hahaha]
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
i dont give a f#!k about my grades and wats in you pocket
12 yrs ago
yeah i'm doing maths online too because i want to get good grades in the test :P haha and coutrney my pocket feels heavy D:
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
justed working ............................ ............................ ...............NOT
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
yeaah , im f#!kiinng boredd im doinng maths online but dont really want tooo :P
12 yrs ago
f#!k i know hey breanna! & a bit of work cause we have a test soon, wbu courtney? :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
someone should really buy me and susan a f#!king turtle :P
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
so wat you doing :)
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
ahahaha stfu i gave the printer aids
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
you all have aids
12 yrs ago
Tell Courtney to come on
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
i want a turtle noow :P
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
madd as i will get u one !!!!lol
12 yrs ago
yeah buddy, hey guys, I want a turtle
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
haha :)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
hehe (:
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
didnt sleep and got a bit drunk hehehe and rode my motorbike all sunday
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
ride daah moterbikez, sleep and facebook :) wbuu?
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
what did you do
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
gooood i guess :)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
so how was your weekend
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
saaamme D:
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
lol im so bored
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
if my brother or sister tounchs my laptop i will kill them
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
ask taylor if she can put all her songs on my usb ?!?!!?
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
im not letting her and my sister touch my laptop on daah weekend!! coz theyll probz delete all mine D:
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
dam that would suck
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
idk coz shes a dick !!
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
why did she delete all yuuh sonngZ?
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
yeah well my f#!king sister deleted all my music aye f#!k !!! i have to downlaod it again :'(
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
f#!king hell im bored :/
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
cool lol
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
hahaha yea he is talking bulls#!t im not even listening to him :P im downloading screamo and listening to skrillex :)
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
some time lol :)
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hahaahhaah u think !!lol
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
listen to wbtbwb ad listen to the teacher go on about his boring dont your think ?????????
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hey **
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hey hwey hey haahahahah :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
what yaah doinng?
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hey bre
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
heeyy courtz :))
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
hey people
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wow and why
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wow and why
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wow and why
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
ewwww nooooooooooooo!!!
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wow and why
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wow and why
12 yrs ago
your ex, lachlan butler????
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
fuuck!! well it didnt work out coz weve never met and we never see each other !! plus i still have feelings for my ex!!!!!
12 yrs ago
tell us now?
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
hahahahahahaahahahahhahha funnii :) ill tell yuuhh at recess kk :)
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
wow and why
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
12 yrs ago
what happened to you and joey? he has old man wrinkles!
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
oh ?!?!?!!?!?!? ://
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
i dont go out with anyone !!
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
@breanna who's ya bf ?
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
wtf 0_o haHAHA IT TRUE THOUGH !!!
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
awkward because i just read that out to her
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
i think we need a bit of fish food , yeah she would love that .... hahaha i hope tAYLOR dont see tjis hahahahahahahhahahahahah shes a fish lol
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
nuh i dont think so aye ????? if not i have to put up with taylor yukkky :/
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
okaay :P well ive got to add joey coz we only started going out last night ..
12 yrs ago
i searched up "joey" on your friends list on Facebook and he came up >.>
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
lol how do yu know joey crosbie???
12 yrs ago
haha fail answer
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
Okay & have you met him?
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
edmunds :)
12 yrs ago
Whats his last name??
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
i go out with him..... and he is sooo amazinng and suuch a hottie
12 yrs ago
Joey Crosbie??
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
a guy who is amazingiest bf ever :)
12 yrs ago
Breanna, who the hell is Joey? -_-
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
im waiting fo dad to get off
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
@Breanna lovez yoouh Joeyy
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
have u added me yet
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
hahahaha susan yu love it :P
12 yrs ago
Haha, random conversation on my photo?
12 yrs ago
its fine and high
12 yrs ago
<3 alyssa karlie lay <3
hheyy gurls
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
lol my sister did that sorrires
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
12 yrs ago
Paige_The_Toe_Model!XD mom did it for me becuz she knows how to do alot of symbols like dat!!
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
how do you do those symbols..
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
yeah eh :)
12 yrs ago
i knew it!!! man girll u were right!!
12 yrs ago
Good song, and Courtney look at my new uploaded photos :D
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
listen to the best song ever 5fdp never enough
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Matty aka "stonerboii" is so stupid.. Heck with it!! we tryed to tell him what his "girll" was doing and he says leave me and taylor alone.. wow.!! such a pussy!! sorry to say if he is your friend.. but the truth hurts..
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hmmmmm ive never cheeated on a dude in my life and dont instist to eather
12 yrs ago
yeah it is true, i told you
12 yrs ago
adventure time <3
so it is true
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
he loves her too much..
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Shes Done!! hahahaha!! soo much proof makes me feel powerful!! lol.. your so cool
12 yrs ago
f*!k-YEAH-THE-AMITY-AFFLICTION Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
27 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 51, Following 100
i'm simple in complicated ways. if im a bitch to you, you must have been a bitch to me at some stage. you take what life gives you. everything happens for a reason, i guess.
7 12 yrs ago
305 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
i have a twin joined at the head ;)
20 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
6 12 yrs ago
28 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
i have a twin :O
Reply 12 yrs ago
Reply 12 yrs ago
stretching mah ears, thanks to my meatball
Reply 12 yrs ago
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2 12 yrs ago
#hates are gonna hate#
3 12 yrs ago
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10 12 yrs ago
the sexy best friend
2 12 yrs ago
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46 12 yrs ago
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Reply 12 yrs ago
13 12 yrs ago
6 12 yrs ago
Hahahahahaha, yes
5 12 yrs ago
Mel and I did that just then, hahahahahahahaahaha.
178 12 yrs ago
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2 12 yrs ago
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69 12 yrs ago
24 12 yrs ago
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