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im sexy nd i know it
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♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Oh wait no 48!!
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
lol I have 46 now!!
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
I have 45 bitchess ;) hehe FOLLOW ME OR DIE.
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
haha thanks :) and kewl i have 29 followers :)
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
sorry.. re follow!! i have 40 followers how many do u have??
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
@Lost Lovebird ♥ heheheh btw's did u unfoloow me? ;3
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Meerkittykat who loves Blaykey hahaha lol !!
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
okayyy so as soon as i go to bed everyone starts up and then stops :/ okay i miss out on all da funn.. :(
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
nahhh its fun :) aha
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
nahhh its fun :) aha
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
oh work sounds boring
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
oh sorry my pc is being stupid.. one sec
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
and me ???
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
hey y did u unfollow me jadeite sapphire jewels
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
lol I sound cheessy!!
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
So honored!! lol Its a pleasure 2 be friends with you :)
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Perfect.Weapon :) Yay thanx!! ^.^
12 yrs ago
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re followed sorrry
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Yes were all friends.. Question to Perfect.Weapn. Y did you unfollow me ?? huh?? :(
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Hahah yep. 3 jobs buddayyy . 1. Paintball , 2. KFC and 3. Foodworks
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
which means yes she does work
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
no she dont she just said she has work tommorrow fo da sake of it hahahahahaha
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
u work
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Hahahha have funnnn! Im going to bed soon , i have work tommorrow :( Gayyy
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
hahahahaha how fun!! goodnigght peeps
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
oh sorry wow ur lucky i am at school right now taking a tst
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Yeah , but were in australia, shes got daylight savings times, im in QLD, Australia so its 11:14 pm hereee ,, almost midnight :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
yea we do !! its like 12.00 am where i am so im now going to sleep
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
dont u guys go to school
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
im goinng to bed noow :)
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
go to bed bre,, seriously, stop pissing her off nd she will do the same,, just dont talk to eachother,, gosh its really nit tht hard
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Yeah Its hard trynna make ppl friends.. Uhm Follow Me Friendz !! ^_^
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
yea i guess but if you and that haters chick start on me again i wont stop and ill lose it completly
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yes i think it is perfect weapon,, just dont comment anymore and hopefully they wont :)
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
hmm im off to bed aswell,, its hard worrk trying to get people to stop fighting haha
12 yrs ago
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ok so this bulls#!t is done?
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
yeaa okaay im starting to get tired anyway goodnigghht beb xo (: hopefully she dont start on me tomoz or ill f#!king lose it !!!
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
bre how about sleep on it? :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
@Neds no.1 Stalker ;) i was trying to be nice and get along with people but this @perfect weopon chick started s#!t on me so i couldnt help myself and started on her again soz
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
ok beb
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
I dunno , like 3 of them , they should be on my profile coz ki just commented on them :)
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
wow.. Damn. No Comment.
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
ok ill back ya up,, what photo
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Nope @perfect weapon just had to ruin it and start s#!t up again on the otehr photos .. Good job f#!khead.
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yay we are all being nice :)
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Lol buddy nobody really cares what you put up, aha i have pictures of me dress up as dude , just for s#!ts and gigs , and some preee embarassing s#!t as well .! Nobody really cares though Hahah you just need a bit more different poses , and like, smile , its makes a world of a difference TRUST ME :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
bre let it go... please
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
oh yea you have so dont f#!king lie bitch!!
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
thank you jadeite sapphire jewels
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
hahaha okay but they seriously need to stop callin me and beth and who ever else s!#ts and whores and s#!t like that!! im simply over it
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
you just need to smile more :) and come up with some new pozes
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
and i never called anyone a s!#t thank you very much
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@haters your not ugly.. Just try putting ur pic up.. no one really would care actually,. :)
12 yrs ago
girls got swag
the only reason i have a guy as my profile pic is cuzz it is jacob latimore nd i love him and i think that i am ugly so that is why
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Breanna Lol we made a deal that we had to be nice to perfect weapon and hates , but as soon as anyone says anything mean, the deals off and its free run! ahah :)
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
seriously ive told you like a 1oo times to f#!k OFF
12 yrs ago
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Oh yea sorry taing a gay explorer test so i couldnt reply for a while whatver, im done sooo
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
love yoou too beb xoxox (: goodnigght
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
i g2g noww my gorgeous gurlls < 3 love u Leah < 3 Love you Tia < 3 and LOve ya Breanna < 3 xoxox :3 nighttt
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yea i will go through all the gonkeys in the world just to find him
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
thats good cuz i kno that u miss him heaps :3 xox
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yea we are
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
and Leah thought u and Neddy were having chitty chATs? ;/
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
there native to australia and live under peoples bed and in watermelon seeds
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
hahah ur cute dw i'll cook u some eggs sometime Tia ;) ahah and Leah i swear i think i see somethang near me too and it looks like gonkey, btw;s Tia a gonkey is a gorilla cross donkey lolol
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Ohhhhkay hahahah
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
its a gorrila and a donkey durr!!
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Whats a gonkey ? ahahah
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
oi guys theres something outside and its scaring the s#!t outta me... i hope theres no gonkeys out there!!!
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Its my middle name ;)
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
sooo who wants eggs ;)
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Yo Bitch Cook Me Some Eggs! Hahaha Lol
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@breannalouise uahhmm I Understand!!
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Okayyyy, but if she does it again .The roofs gonna cave in TWICE as f#!king hard next time! Haha she thinks im being a bitch noww? I havent even gotten STARTED yet
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Yo Bitch Cook Me Some Eggs! !1 Wow .. I understand.. Ya'll All Got Each Other Back! :) Thats Cool!!
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
@♥Jadeite Sapphire♥ Jewels idk she shouldnt of called me and beth and other people a s!#t and a whore so yea !!!! she needs to grow up
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
@Jadeite sapphire jewels - Hahah Beth (meerkittycat) didnt say anything to her that was bad :P Haters just decided to go write how big of a s!#t and s#!t all over her photos and saying that shes 'not even that pretty' Uhmm, beths one of the most gorgeous chicks that i know! And thennn, instead of apologizing like she should have, decided to drag it on and s#!t. SOOOO we did the same to her . A Taste of her own medicine :)
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
@♥Jadeite Sapphire♥ Jewels THankyou for understanding me :3 xo and otay tayss Leah < 3 xoxo
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
aNd yEs eVeryobe sHOULD leave HATERS ALONE.. Thanks 4 being the bigger personNed's no.1 Stalker ;)
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Meerkittykat who loves Blaykey Damn Thats f#!ked Up. But @PerfectWeapon. Is Just Trynna Protect Her Friend. Yeah Cause Maybe they Had There Fights But There Friends Now. At @haters Couldn't Have Called You All That Unless You Were Sayin Stuff To hER rIGHT??
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
ok haha beth
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
beth i love ya but lets leave haters alone and if she starts s#!t again than you guys can go off at her??
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
Btw's Leah and Ned i'm gunna stalk ur convo ;)
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
@♥Jadeite Sapphire♥ Jewels hater chick called me, s!#t, whore, ugly mutt, stupid, told me to close my legs and stuff like that and then this perfect weapon chick doesnt kno wat this haters chick has done and automatically goes to her side.. yerr
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
go to your pic that say love < 3 leah
12 yrs ago
Love Leah <3
Well ok idk how to do that so you do it haha
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
oi can you talk to me on one of my other pics please babii miss you like i crazy person
12 yrs ago
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
yeah I Know this isnt my fight or nothing.. and Some how all you chicks know each other. But why are you guys arguing ..Was @haters Talkin stuff.. Cuase thats what it seems like reading all these comments.. :/ ? juss wondering..
12 yrs ago
Love Leah <3
Really god dham :(
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
my phone isnt working baabbii :(
12 yrs ago
Love Leah <3
Babe inbox me on Facebook please
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yay im getting keen to own some bitch... come at me biatch!!!
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
love u Tia and Leah < 3 xixoxo
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Bud, its not ME that she was picking on and calling a sluut.! hahaha, if she had called me a s!#t, she would have been dead a looooong time ago. I actually CARE abot my friends and dont like seeing s#!t talkers who, as i said before , have enough s#!t in their mouths to fill a f#!king garbage truck,(haters) say s#!t about my friends! And yep. Im keeping score. Leah:2 Perfect Weapon: Negative 2
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
wow you gotta watch the quiet looking ones,,,
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
thats wat i asked the haters chick and then she just went off at me and called me a dirty whore, s!#t, ugly mutt and more stuff.. wen all i did was ask her nicely and i even said that she didnt have to answer but she went off her nutcase...
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
im not trying to be mean or smart or something but why does she have a guy for her profile pic?
12 yrs ago
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Im not trying to be scary or tough, Im saying it real and im saying it right, people say im ugly whoooooooo not a big f#!king deal, so ignore the issue and shut the f#!k up tricks
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
if it is really effecting her that much than why dont she just get off fotofriend???
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
stop trying to be tough becuz its not working and its not scary one bitt... -.-
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
yeAA umm she said s#!t about us.. did u care noopee did u see it nopeee were u there nopeee and are u me and my friends do u kno exactly how we felt umm nopeee soo yea sooya i am bored of this convo ...
12 yrs ago
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This is not a game, or something you keep score of, just a bunch of mother f#!king people hating on somebody who actually is better off then them. Life works out bitches
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yay im winning!! :)
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
SCORE UPDATE: Leah: 1 , Perfect Weapon: 0
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
na im not insecure just honest, and nobody says s#!t about my sister
12 yrs ago
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Well, then hop off, she dont need some f#!king ignorant mother f#!kers commenting on who she is, are you guys insecure about yourselfs that yoiu have to make her feel like s#!t so you guys can feel better? Wow smfh
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
umm seriously i only like my babii, soo i thank u wud be the first to suck and blow it seeing as ur such a suck up too her ass so why not the front as well....oops did i say too much ehh f#!k it i'm sick of ya :)
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
narr i dont go for the nerdy type..
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
I Agree with breanna!
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
bulls#!t we will!!
12 yrs ago
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wow, you guys are really pity just f#!king stop. . . I bet you if she had a dick, yous all be the first to blow her
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
true story
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
LOL THATS f#!kING FUNNAY Leah my hippo!!
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
umm sorry to say but i killed a rat that looked happier than you......
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago
JaSsY !!
hahahah :) agreed
12 yrs ago
breannaa louisee <3
you arnt sexy at all !!! you are an ugly mut !!
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Hahah Nope. She needs to learn to stop running her mouth, hten maybe we will leave her alone
12 yrs ago
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Seriously? Can you guys just quit being pity and childish and just leave her alone? I mean seriously WHAT THE f#!k
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
ahah cute and beb u shud take a look and read it ;3 i worked on it all last night ^-^ cuz i'm cute like that ;)
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
no i havent beth
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
yep its really cute, even his mum thinks its funny, but shes kinda concerned
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
LOL beb OI Leah beb have u seen the pic i made of u, for last night ??? ;3
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
12 yrs ago
Leeaahh ;)
haha i told a five year old boy that gay means happy, now he tells everyone hes gay :)
12 yrs ago
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
12 yrs ago
Eat your dinner!
Your Gay and i know it.
12 yrs ago
girls got swag (12 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
26 yrs old from United States. Followed By 24, Following 47
i have the best friends ever, i hate school
24 12 yrs ago
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i am a smurf
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i am red
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i did not try my best
2 12 yrs ago
i am pink
1 12 yrs ago
my hair is curly
Reply 12 yrs ago
follow me plz
12 12 yrs ago
happy valentines day
2 12 yrs ago
happy valentines day
36 12 yrs ago
i love taking pics
55 12 yrs ago
happy valentines day
133 12 yrs ago
im sexy nd i know it
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