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come on a cone, your really hot :)
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~ jade ;D*ღ!~
@Guest1741563 . Whats come on a cone, or the dude in the pic?
12 yrs ago
Guest #1741563
what the f#!k is that
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Haha Yeeaahhh Kayla OWNS me!! ::DDD Lol. And Noo Has an Ipod.! Yerr buddy . But its in the shop, Was in The Freezeerr :( Waaahhh
12 yrs ago
Kayla . (;
Nope I own her! xD jk juss frens ! JAde do u hava phone yet? :(
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Lol Jk.. Urr Tankkeeys I guess. O.o
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Pervy Mervy!
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
paige 107
what the f#!k dude
12 yrs ago
paige 107
are you new
12 yrs ago
Kayla . (;
The f#!k?? Jadey!! Come er!!! Lmao
12 yrs ago
Guest #1741441 (3 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
Reply (1) 12 yrs ago
sometimes i wish i had a brush lol :)
10 12 yrs ago
come on a cone, your really hot :)
2 12 yrs ago
messy hair ha ha
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