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!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Love ya toos! And @CALEBS WIFEY wtf your sentences make zeor since.. Js. Igghtt peace!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
no he never said that
12 yrs ago
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
did he say he didn't care bout u cuzz i am waitin to hurt him
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
lol ok by jade luv ya!(: and what do you mean what he said?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Well I g2g , my dad needs help. I'll tell you what i'm annoyed about tommorw. ^_^ Byes
12 yrs ago
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
lol juss main shure and tanner better nit have said the ill beath the fhcuk outa him
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Yeah, if he doesn't respect & care about your feelings then let go. And yeaahhh @CALEB'S WIFEY < 3
12 yrs ago
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
sells yall its tanner sells
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
bcuz i love him too much and he means everything to me! idk im just stupid for going back with him! but im telling him how i feel bcuz im tired of this bulls#!t and if he breakes up with me then ok bcuz all im ding is tellin him how i feel
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
O.o Wtf, in my opinoun he is a waste of time, I'm in highschool and if a boy acts like that, and be around other girls and stuff he wouldn't have your last breath. Like forreal tanner if you read this cut that s#!t out bro, ( I don't you two to break up) but, really if he is acting like a dick.. Why bother?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and yes i know i shouldv'e
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
i can't bcuz he will end up breaking up with me bcuz of the way i feel about it bcuz ok i'll be telling hi how i feel and he will be like ok and i will be like so your ok with that and he will be all like if you dont like how ou relationship is then break up with me
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
He is sneaky, you should have learned from your mistakes..
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Your not stupid. You just ... are in love, and dw. You should text him and tell him how you feel..
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and he is always saying that he is going to treat me right and stuff like that but he doesn't he lies about this and he seems to love me more when we wern't dating than when we actually are dating and thats what i hate!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
idk like if she isnt his gf what does he have to f#!king hide like it pisses me off!!i knew that he was going to be trouble once he walked into my life!! And i know i am stupid to go back out with him but i love him so much i just lost it i said yes
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Wow, this dude seems like a player.. (Sorry tanner). Wtf is he afraid of, if shes not his gf why won't he let chu speak to her..?! O.o
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
too much to say let's just says this he is around this gurl and she grabbed the fone from tanner and asked what my name was and then she said something else and i asked tanner what she said and he said idk and i said ask her and he said no and so like i called him and i asked is she ur gf and he said no and i said so let me talk to her and he said no and i said what are u afradi of and he didnt say anything back!
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Oh pfft, and tanner?!! :o Why?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
its tanner
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
i just said S.
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
What does the name end with?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Long story, but first who is ?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
omg yy?!??and yea mee to someone is being a dick
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
I'm soo mad right now, and sad, and wanting to scream! >:(
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
haha ikr!!!!
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Wow reading this made me rofl.. To much ''He said she said drama" ...
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
well it's prolly some stupid s#!t that people are spreading around!
12 yrs ago
Alot of people told me that she was walking around saying that they beat her to beating my ass or sum s#!t
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
oh s#!t just got real! sorry lol but yea who did you here that s#!t from that she wanted to fight?!? just wondering bcuz im sure it's not true!they could just be stupid rumors bein spread around!
12 yrs ago
well if u want me to i will..... thats ur problem u listin to dramma and bulls#!t when u no damn well its not true but if u wanna believe that then go for it but do get s#!tty with me cuz it wont be something that ill f#!k around with cuz i dont f#!k with peoples dum bulls#!t
12 yrs ago
Well i've heard you've been talking s#!t at school saying you wana fight me...?
12 yrs ago
no ones talkin s#!t so ur ass can chill no ones been doing s#!t to u and u just keep trippen over nothin
12 yrs ago
Really? You guys are talking s#!t over the internet? Real mature.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
oh ok yay!!haha and nm wbu?
12 yrs ago
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
wait are you talking to selena, me, or both??
12 yrs ago
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
what up
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
heyyyy!! i know your talking to miranda i just wanted to do that lol
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
hey selena
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
aww thanks but when i look at my pics and then look in the mirror i just wish in the mirror that i could look like that in the pic lol
12 yrs ago
no u dont ur sooooooo pretty in all of them and in real life i no that for a fact
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
lolz well yea i know that!!!but like i look different in my pics than what i actually look like!
12 yrs ago
lol cuz she can seee pics of u lol DUHHH
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ohh yea i thought you meant at school im like how the hell does she know what i look like??..
12 yrs ago
on here in one of these pics
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea i know! and where was she??!??
12 yrs ago
yea i saw brittny staren to gane up on u and thats not cool
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
love you too selena and ok
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
love you too selena and ok
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
damn it miranda left her foto acount logged on the last message was from me
12 yrs ago
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
im not talkin s#!t dont worry i was just askin brittany if she knew u guys
12 yrs ago
and stormy i love u and dont let people f#!k with u
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
o.O ooohh Snapp!!! lol
12 yrs ago
all i saw was my name and summers u better not be talkin s#!t
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
do u no summer stanford
12 yrs ago
Jw, becuase I just emailed you.
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
ya y
12 yrs ago
@Nigga please Is your last name Goings?
12 yrs ago
Yeah, I don't have a problem wit her.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
cuz if you are then yea i know her
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
are you talking to me too or?
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
do u like her
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
u no selena anway
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
jw shes won of my friends
12 yrs ago
I don't have a problem with her, why.?
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
ntin do u like hr
12 yrs ago
I do. What about her?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
wait do either one of u no avinley slone
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok watevs stop trying to act all big and bad
12 yrs ago
Words may not but my fists surly will.(:
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
words dont hurt me brittney so idc!
12 yrs ago
nope you're a pussy, #Nuff said.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
im not a dumb ass bitch i cant get caught in school ok i am in too much trouble already ok and if i fight then i will get sent to my dads!!!!thats why i want to meet you out side of school and then we can fight!!!ok
12 yrs ago
I know that's what you just said. I tried typing that but it wouldn't let me. & Yeah you a scared dumb ass bitch
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
send it on email
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Aww damn. The fight is off. Everyone almost broke there fingers off arguing over nothing. Lol.. I'm happy ! :D Now we all can sit by the fire and sang Kumbiyah!!! Lol
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
thats what i just said to you brittany!!on email
12 yrs ago
well im sorry but i can't ok im not getting kicked out of school bcuz of this stupid little fight we had! ok im not backing out i will still fight you but not right now because i am in alot of trouble because of some stupid crap!!!
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Soooooo .. Tanner I kinda feel bad for you.. :'( Roflmao.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
uhh im not putting my number on here
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
stormie watz ur # so i can call u
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
u guys should fight at bixlar cause then u cant get caught and if u get caught u gotz to remember that the police officers at the middle school is mostley there because of the fighting from last year
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
^_^ Yeah you guys should talk privately, cause other peoples comments aren't making it better. And TBH when girls fight, its so ugly. Like who gives a f#!k if he cheated.. Okay you learned the mistake you made now move the f#!k on... And no offence Bert (i think Brittney) uhm I thought it was between Kylie & Storm???!! JUST SAYING
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
k hold
12 yrs ago
@ Stormie I just emailed you.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yeaa i know irdc bcuz she is pissing me off and i gotta ask her something privately first thats why i need her emai
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
That happened to myy brother,..
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Yeah Molly thats what I was gunna say..
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
stomie if u get caught ur just gonna have to go to the altinitive learning school and then after a certain amount of time bein ther e u go back to the middle school
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
kk wats ur email@bert
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea tanner are you!!??!
12 yrs ago
Watch.. It will. I promise you that(:
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
I'm excited. Eeecck!! And its soo Obvi you guys are gunna get caught fighting.. Its in the bathroom?! Like come on who doesn't pee?!
12 yrs ago
tanner are you gonna do anything? like really quit being a pussy.!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yeaa shureee ok that not gonna hapen
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
i feel bad for tanner everyones like i gotz to talk to u an then every one else is like txt mei mean damn
12 yrs ago
Ight.. It's on.. You gon be a dead bitch when i get finished.
12 yrs ago
@ Tanner I gave you a compliment say thankyou.! N isaid I love you.! Dorkkk.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
im not a f#!king pussy ok ok this f#!king fight is on ok
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
@Tanner cause you commented right after I commented that.. I thought you were gone..
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
thats what im trying to tell her but she is saying no during school so its fine with me
12 yrs ago
Just proves how big of a PUSSAYYYY you are. :)
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner)
how did i scare u
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
exactly or the teacher walks in the f#!king bathroom! and im sure we will prob get caught bcuz ppl walk in and out of there and when they see a fight there going to yell out fight and everyone gna come bargin in
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
No I was telling Molly s#!t just broke out. Like the arguing just went on.. And Thats f#!ked up,. If you get kicked outta school or something, that would look bad on your record.. Why don't you guys fight like out side of school? EVERY THINK OF THAT? Did it cross your minds?
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
wow how f#!kin stupid if its that bad just walk up to them and punch em in the face
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok say crap about my kylie i dont care!
12 yrs ago
We arn't going to get suspended unless you tell a teacher or if someone snitches.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and tanner txt me
12 yrs ago
hey i have a lot to tell you tomorrow.! unless you read what the bitch *stormy* is saying!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
thats the only reason im trying to back out bcuz if i get caught and get suspended again then im moving
12 yrs ago
Tanner listen.! You're adorbs.! And I love you.! And You're like a brother to me but you need to not be such a whore but no offence.
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
@tanner, dude you scared me... WTF. Lol.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
whoaa im not gonna break out bcuz if she wants to fight me im all gud with that i mean its totally up to her if she wants to get suspended again then ok i already got suspended 4 times and if i get suspended again they said i was going to move to a different school or some s#!t like that but ok irdc
12 yrs ago
!Brittney Z Stahl
12 yrs ago
!Brittney Stahl
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner)
im here now
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Well technically over sayign screw you , and s#!t just broke out.. And where did tanner go?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
@bert wats ur email so i can email you
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Over a boy....
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
you don't need to know my first period i'll just meet you in the girls bathroom k
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
k im all good with that and yes molly just bcuz of a f#!king ?
12 yrs ago
Locker room? Idk. But we're doing it in the bathroom. who's your 1st period?
12 yrs ago
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
wow this is all over a f#!kin ? damn
12 yrs ago
I'm fighting you so how are you going to jump in or break it up? & it's one on one so no friends jumping in or breaking it up. k?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
i'll just meet you in the bathroom
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea same here and im not a f#!king snitch and kk fine with me wait are there teachers in the girls locker room?
12 yrs ago
Well do you wana meet in the bathroom? 2nd floor bathroom closest to Mr.Esters room after 1st? & No snitching because i anyone snitches we Both get kicked out becuase we were both fighting. becuase i got kicked out even though i didnt hit the other girl first
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
idk should i break it up or jump in>?/???!!?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Okay last comment...: I wonder whos gunna break it up? Or who Jump in? ... Hmm Questions Questions..
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Ohh and 7th grade, cool.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
kkk yeaa after school bcuz im not gonna fight in duh morning or we can after first period bcuz im going where there sre no teachers around kk
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Uhm wait. Wait. Why are you guys fighting again?
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
Yeah well it really doesn't matte if you hit back becuase you're gunna get your ass kicked anyways. Mmk.? Byee(: I'll see you tomorrow.!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ohhhh lolz haha wow!!!
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
And Of coruse I'll take your side Storm, All ways. Lol
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
@Storm.. No I'm not taking her side. Lol I don't wanna be in it. I was just commenting..Uh.. :( Confused.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok jade your taking her side?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Hey you used my line.. 'I'm sorry. I'm not sorry'.. Lol. Jk.. And what grade are you in @*.Bert.*
12 yrs ago
dangg tihngs just got real.! go brittney!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok idc! and trust me i will hit back!!!(:
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Storm your tuff as! Oh my gawsh! I wish I lived in Indiana.. x(
12 yrs ago
don't wana look like a pussy then I suggest you hit back. BITCH.! :)
12 yrs ago
Why after school? You scared the principal will call your mommy? ); Aww. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. I will come up to you and start swinging No words needed alright? & Unless you wanna get your ass beat,well you are going to anyways but if you don
12 yrs ago
Why after school? You scared the principal will call your mommy? ); Aww. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. I will come up to you and start swinging No words needed alright? & Unless you wanna get your ass beat,well you are going to anyways but if you don
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
the reason i wanna do this after school is bcuz i want tanner to see how much of a bitch i can be and bcuz theres more peeps areound
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Okay I just had to get in this Rand Comment. And DAMN things just got real!!! xDDD Okay Continue..
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
no i want this to happen after school kk!!?
12 yrs ago
"Coming at you"or not becuase it will be outta know where. &I'm not saying s#!t to you before I do it. Ima come up and start swingin, so be ready bitch.
12 yrs ago
Mayb in the Gym before school starts.? Hows that sound to you? & I have A lunch so.. But You won't know if i'm
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok thats more awsome(: bcuz you throw the first punch it will be you who started it and there are cameras soo haha
12 yrs ago
& Wait I willcome at you when you're least expecting it. :)
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
well i dont and C lunch so when u commin at me?
12 yrs ago
& Obviously you do care becuase your acting scared.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
damn all this s#!t started over me wanting to know when they were dating like it's f#!king stupid but still if u want to beat my ass come at me
12 yrs ago
Well what lunch do you have?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok i dont f#!king care!!!now by!ok
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
& I just got OSS for fighting, but I'm coming back to school tomorrow, and I know your name and I know your in 7th grade. All I need to know is if you have A, B, or C lunch. & No i'm not stalking you if that's what you were goin to say or whatever I'm just gathering imfo that I need to beat your ass.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
no i didn't you did so stfu! and byee!!!(:
12 yrs ago
You make no sense. & You just made your self look like a complete idiot.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and we never really grow up we just know how to act in public
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
i dont f#!king care!!come at me!! ok damn this face does not care! im not going to listening to a fake bitch!
12 yrs ago
dude fu*king grow up! *stormey*
12 yrs ago
Well Is your name Stormie Gentry? Bitch I'm nt at stupid as I look. I got my people.!
12 yrs ago
Well, I didn't but you pushed me to da limit. Ight? & If you want to "fight me sooo bad" den why don;t you tell me what school you go to?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
hmm and i thought u didnt want to fight me!!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea sure like i could be jealous of this fake ass bitch im talking to right now!atleast i didn't break my mirror
12 yrs ago
Well what school do you go to.?
12 yrs ago
& My face is messed up? Hunny you're just a little bit jealous. Bitch you got me f#!ked up.!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea sure how am i a f#!king fake ass bitch!!???i would like to know how!!(: soo why dont you f#!king come at meh huh is you too scared?!!!??
12 yrs ago
& It's not speaking it's writng/tryping/SPELLING.! #Dumbass.
12 yrs ago
Ohh wow. Niceee. Imma fake ass btich? Hunny look in da mirror.! Nigga please.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
if you cant handle my f#!king speaking then go see a doctor cuz ur eyes and face is messed up!!like big time!and no i wouldn't lose ok now stfu move along bcuz ur obviously a fake ass bitch!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and i have his number so i wil just ask him!(: even though all he tells is lies but watevs
12 yrs ago
Uhmm you dumb f#!king bitch, are you really that mentally retarded? I was referring to you as a giraffe.! & Still even after I comfronted you, you still don't spell right. Wtf bro? And No I don't want to fight an immature c#!t like you. You would loose and I don't want you to get made fun of. Nuff said right der.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
i just wanted to f#!king know ok now buhbye!(:
12 yrs ago
& Kylie doesn't have to tell you when they dated. It's their busineess and if you think you were cheated on write The Maury Show and get a lie dector test. Since you make it a life or death situation.!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and your talking about your younger sis as a giraffe!!haha funny
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
u need to shut ur f#!king s!#tty mouth!!ok im not saying anything about your younger sister all i f#!king said was screw you!ok thats all i f#!king said and if you want to fight me go ahead im not scared of you!!this was between me and her ok not you! what she told you sissy sissy im scared and you came and backed her upp!!!!yea watevs peeps wateva floats your boat!!!(:
12 yrs ago
Obviously **
12 yrs ago
#Nuff said.
12 yrs ago
Okay well obesally if you got cheated on then it was ment to be becuase he don't want no ugly ass giraffe for a girlfriend.!
12 yrs ago
would you like some ice with that burn sir?
12 yrs ago
Alright "Stormy" Or what the f#!k ever you're name is. You need to clam your dick and get the f#!k over yourself.! Don't be s#!tty with MY younger sister. What grade are you in 5th? If not you sure act like it.! & What school do you go to? Becuase you obisouly need spelling lessons.! Damn. I know some words MAY be difficult to spell but dafuq you talking 'bout spelling Kindergarten words wrong? Come the f#!k on! Grow up! Damn.
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
well tanner mostly bcuz it's sounding like he played me and you bcuz yu wont tell me when u guys were going out so i could know if i was being cheated on
12 yrs ago
scew me and my sister or me and tanner?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ok watever screw you both!
12 yrs ago
tanner i need to talk to you and brittneys about to kill you and someone.!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
lolz yep i know he does i see him!lol
12 yrs ago
have fun:) Jk he hits on almost evry girl he sees.!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
Yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! HA!(:
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
Thanks.!(: I think your purddyer..!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea i see that lol but ur pretty(:
12 yrs ago
I've died my hair since then...It's a light blondeish
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
and yea ur really pretty!!
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
ohh ok lol
12 yrs ago
I changed my profiel pic but it wont let me post any fotos, my cam is broke
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
no prob:) and ik! take a pic bcuz i can barely see that one lol but i can tell ur gorgweous
12 yrs ago
Thanks.!(: Youu too
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
your super gorgeous!!!:D
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
lolz haha ok? aha
12 yrs ago
yupp.! ima Acacia Clarkk!(::
12 yrs ago
u guys made me laugh so hard for a scond there :D lmfao lol haha
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea and is that you in your profile pic?
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
lol yea sometimes(: i wish i could have him and call him mine tho...
12 yrs ago
Awee.! Mr.SweetGuy huh.? lol
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
but were not yea u can do whatever just to let you know he is awsome and everything to to me but yea
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
well he was but something happened and yes he is still
12 yrs ago
Lol..Is he your'sss
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
idk lol
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
Yesh..? What's the .. about?
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago
Cuteeeeeeeeee boii
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
its ok
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner)
how im sorry
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
lol!!soo yea u hurted me on the bus 2dai:(
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner)
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
yea i saw that tanner lol u dont gotta delete haha
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
thanks for calling me Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Cute, and Hot but not sure if im talented and intelligent nope im not!!:D
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner)
nm my nigga
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
wats up bro!
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner)
12 yrs ago
!*This Gurl(:
well u loo cute lol and also heyyy
12 yrs ago
sexy boss (tanner) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
25 yrs old from United States. Followed By 175, Following 124
i love you kayla
28 11 yrs ago
big cock
1 11 yrs ago
7 11 yrs ago
i drew this the other day
13 11 yrs ago
1.27.13 i love you kayla
43 11 yrs ago
truth or dare anyone only people i k
10 11 yrs ago
3 11 yrs ago
6 11 yrs ago
grr i have a test
20 11 yrs ago
17 11 yrs ago
nigga plz t…
23 11 yrs ago
26 11 yrs ago
so boreed
26 11 yrs ago
3 11 yrs ago
16 11 yrs ago
5 11 yrs ago
1/27/13 i love you Kayla
54 11 yrs ago
22 11 yrs ago
19 11 yrs ago
dont really care right now
18 11 yrs ago
8 11 yrs ago
43 11 yrs ago
i love you
11 11 yrs ago
15 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
2 11 yrs ago
2 11 yrs ago
i love you kayla
13 11 yrs ago
16 11 yrs ago
bored as helllll
11 11 yrs ago
so bored
10 11 yrs ago
45 11 yrs ago
9 11 yrs ago
41 11 yrs ago
2 11 yrs ago
7 11 yrs ago
124 11 yrs ago
i mit start looking like this
10 11 yrs ago
158 11 yrs ago
bitch come on f#!kin pussy aint going to do anything
11 11 yrs ago
6 11 yrs ago
dont ask :D
3 11 yrs ago
f#!kin amazing
3 11 yrs ago
hehe swimming pools i have one
19 11 yrs ago
i love you
34 11 yrs ago
ur always sexy i love u kayla …
19 11 yrs ago
u never look ugly
3 11 yrs ago
kayla get on
31 11 yrs ago
where did my lover go
12 11 yrs ago
put ur hands up and take a BLUE PIC (if u love BLUE )
5 11 yrs ago
i look high
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