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K... YOLO? we know! No s#!t! You only live once.! once it's said it said.! stop IT NOW.! it's getting annoying.
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Mind ur own god D@nm Bizz. u have no right to b in mine..
11 yrs ago
I Havnt been on twitter in a LONG time.. lol. but no im not.. im not even bi anymore.. i never was Lez anywayy. Soo, learn the facts first.. ! k? Good. Thanks. bye
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
just stop it stop ur excuses and s#!t STOP it just f#!k ur life f#!k off STOP COMMENTING ON MY PIC STOP STOP STOP
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Ur not a lesbian Kk ur funny!! ive heard everything!! even ur twitter status says u love some bitch
11 yrs ago
Im My own person & If you dont like it.. go Fu(k ur self or somthingg.
11 yrs ago
1. I'm Not Lesbian. Dont Talk sh!t if you dont know anything about me or my past. 2. Yeah, You bet.. im the worst b!t9h in the universse cuz i do everythngsoo wrong right?? 3. Ohh u dont know me.. dont talk $h!t. 4. You can go Fu(k Yourself.. Cuz idgaf what u think or anybody else.!
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
She aint a drama queen shes better than you. stupid lesbian dont talk s#!t about ppl when ur the worse bitch in the universe cause everything bad thing is you.! theres nothing wrong with miranda she nice shes a good girl nothing wrong with her
11 yrs ago
Cuz im Such a drama queen. Nope.. She is. but you know whatever.. bye!(:
11 yrs ago
Yepp. K.? Totally. Bye
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Listen! everyone chelsea stop it! just DONT COMMENT IN ANY OF MY PICS U START FIGHTS! just stop it stop STOP STOP IT.! im tired of this bulls#!t goin on.! stop it miranda is right just leave us alone kk and ur commenting on my account dont be disrespectful to my Sister #WARNING
11 yrs ago
Idc...does it aound like I do..NO and I said bye didnt I BYE!!
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
ya and i didnt comment on urs miranda
11 yrs ago
true that chelsea, she doesnt know us, both of them dont so y are they talking to us about this
11 yrs ago
I didnt comment on ur pic did i..hmm NO so bye
11 yrs ago
U Aint My Bossss. Stfu. not Starting Anything.. so bye
11 yrs ago
@~MirandaLee~ U dont Know me eitherr. so just stop.
11 yrs ago
idc if u wernt tlkin to me...still dont comment if ur not in it..
11 yrs ago
Im not talking sh!t? & Yeah, i do know you..?
11 yrs ago
I didnt thinl so!! This isnt even his worst part u dont know him as good as me. so jut just stop!!
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
and if u dont know me dont talk s#!t aboutme :D
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
classes together its only ONE and u dont know someone by having classses together! you dont know me.!!!
11 yrs ago
Yeah, Same..
11 yrs ago
nope, i dont really even alk to him
11 yrs ago
Waitt.. What?
11 yrs ago
Yah, We have classes together?..
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
I dont think they do :D
11 yrs ago
Do u even know the real him!?!?
11 yrs ago
I Dont Care. Its not like we talk anyway! :D
11 yrs ago
nabil was being mean
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
well that was just mean
11 yrs ago
Okay Cool ;D
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Honestly i dont give a f#!k :D
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
I Was Just Messing Around With You.. Even Tho i Use to like u like hat. but not anymoree. Honestly.!
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Listen to miranda :D she knows everything.!! and yes chelsea u like me u just told me
11 yrs ago
I dont like him. && It's Becauee,, some of mt friends want too know. so mind ur own. Not rying to start anything..!
11 yrs ago
Yep! Cause no one gonna be hittin on my bro and I MEAN NO ONE!!
11 yrs ago
You wanna know why.. really do you
11 yrs ago
Then y did u keep asking him!!! Huh
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
No,, Lol. I dont like like him..
11 yrs ago
U prolly just want to know if he likes u!
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
But u dont know ALL of my friends.. and paige isnt my friend.. but who do u like? lol
11 yrs ago
i sent a request
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
and miranda its nabil.sawl1
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
No chelsea i dont like ANY of ur friends
11 yrs ago
Do u like Paige?
11 yrs ago
I dont know ur name!?!?!
11 yrs ago
I Know What You mean... & Then, who do you like?
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
i dont = i dont
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
its simple
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Cause i dont
11 yrs ago
Aww, Whyy!? HAHAHAHA
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
and noo!! chelsea no no no
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Why??! Add me.!!
11 yrs ago
I dont have u on skype anymore
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
Nabil- do u like vikie?
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Nothin just on twitter :D and skype
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
Haha ikr! And nothen just got home from Purdue
11 yrs ago
Lol. Okay Theen?
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
AHah! I miss talking to u.! wassup :D
11 yrs ago
Well then...Uhh okay
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG
Well... as to me............ idk!! hahaa
11 yrs ago
What type of face is tht??
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
I Know..! omg, People r gay.!
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
yep, i saw the pics, and agreed, yol is old
11 yrs ago
I Am Swagg YMCMG Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
24 yrs old from United States. Followed By 43, Following 14
14 11 yrs ago
Finally done with my Science Topics Drawing Project!!!!!!!!
Reply 11 yrs ago
SOAB i still have to take a shower and s#!t!!! UGH!!! stupidschool1
Reply 11 yrs ago
f#!k Fotofriend! i gotta get my Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee p tomorrow is schoooooooool…
Reply 11 yrs ago
Drake's Songs make me miss niggas i dont even know! HAHhah!!!
2 11 yrs ago
What r u suppose to do when u find A gun Answer: KILL A MOTHER f#!kER!!!!!!!!!!!…
5 11 yrs ago
Miranda Wanted me to SMIle So HERE YOU GOO!! :d
1 11 yrs ago
BUT if u go outside like this! they know u ROBBED A GAS STATION or U r about to …
3 11 yrs ago
If ur wearing a black hoodie with a black hat ur kk :D
Reply 11 yrs ago
When someone is opening the door and im like OH s#!t who is it??
1 11 yrs ago
You Smell That! I Smell Nigggerrrs!!!
7 11 yrs ago
Bitches Be like Dammn!! Swag!! u have gotten a bit tan then last week?? and im l…
9 11 yrs ago
Bitches Be Like "i aint got no worries" and I say " OHHH.. BITCH YOU BETTER HAVE…
75 11 yrs ago
K... YOLO? we know! No s#!t! You only live once.! once it's said it said.! stop …
23 11 yrs ago
I Think I Like You.! NOT YOU, You Stupid Hoe thats looking at this pic.!
14 11 yrs ago
My New Shoes. :)
3 11 yrs ago
Never Gave A f#!k, Probably Never WILL.!!
Reply 11 yrs ago
If Your Reading This "IM GOING TO THE YMCA RIGHT NOW!!!" Hehehe :D ain't gonna t…
15 11 yrs ago
Just Me(:
1 11 yrs ago
f#!k All Ya Fake Friends. f#!kin Back Stabbers
3 11 yrs ago
Me Bored At Business :D
12 11 yrs ago
Swag Shirt :D
Reply 11 yrs ago
Put Your tongue back! I dont like dat LoL :P
Reply 11 yrs ago
Finally Rich 4Life!
Reply 11 yrs ago
13 11 yrs ago
Havent took a pic in a long time :D
15 12 yrs ago
14 12 yrs ago
3,000 Dollaz Ain't no gamez SWAGGED OUT
Reply 12 yrs ago
On Da Fone With My NIgga :)
Reply 12 yrs ago
Bought santa Today :)
4 12 yrs ago
Another 200
14 12 yrs ago
My 100 dollars i got today :D Hehee Swag YMCMB
4 12 yrs ago
Me when i was 7 :D Sooooo Sexy :P
1 12 yrs ago
10 12 yrs ago
11 12 yrs ago
Im in Nelson estates and Dont kNw what the hell to do
35 12 yrs ago
Dakota Smith Ur going to look like this tomarrow Hahaa hope U get it
19 12 yrs ago
FERNANDO i said NIggaz Are Takin Over And Dominate :D Hahaa
2 12 yrs ago
Hoping For Da Best
Reply 12 yrs ago
SO WUT IF I TAKE ALOT OF PICS :O It's Just My day Today :P
1 12 yrs ago
My SnapBack Is Much Better And Has Alot Of S.W.A.G. And Those Sunglasses Make Th…
1 12 yrs ago
OMG Becky Look At Her Butt
1 12 yrs ago
Can U See My Eyes In Dis Pic? :P
1 12 yrs ago
Hana,Rawan,Erica,Lau ryn This One Is For You 4 Hahahaa
Reply 12 yrs ago
I'm BORED any Suggestions (:
Reply 12 yrs ago
SURPRISE i do Look Good In Red Hahaa :P
1 12 yrs ago
I'm In Ur Dreams :O
Reply 12 yrs ago
Didn't I tell U Not to Look at Dis!?
16 12 yrs ago
Da Fuq U Lookin at?!
Reply 12 yrs ago
Look at My Sexy Sunglasses :P YMCMG
6 12 yrs ago
In My World It Snows EveryDay YMCMG
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