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25 yrs old from United States. Followed By 9, Following 9
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@Jadeite Sapphire Jewels did you change ur name to Lost Lovebird...? just askin
12 yrs ago | View
@irene nd @Lost Lovebird if you got like the picture dont comment on it...who are you anyway?
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@irene ikr .. Follow me!!
12 yrs ago | View
BAD girl!!!!!!!!!! :(
12 yrs ago | View
@Jadeite Sapphire Jewels thnx1
12 yrs ago | View
me nd my bestie
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
12 yrs ago | View
Added to hall of fame
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Meerkittykat who loves Blaykey lol..
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
Boring!... vv
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Come Onn... It Feels Like A Cloud Lifted Us All Up. And The Rain Soaked Up The Clouds And Droped Us All Down. Come On Get Along!!
12 yrs ago | View
Leeaahh ;)
we all got lives :) now lets stay out of echothers aye??
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
i have a f#!king life !!!
12 yrs ago | View
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Well, you said get a life, I have one I love it my lifes amazing but uhm, wheres yours/
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
wtf what do you mean wheres yours??
12 yrs ago | View
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I dont care what happens, you aint gona do s#!t, your all the way over there. And btw breannalouise wheres yours?
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Hahaha. You cant win this argument @Perfect Weapon so id just shut your mouth already before you embarass yourself even more then you already have. :)
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
@Perfect.Weapon oii seriously are you f#!ked up or what ? dont you dare tell my girls to go die and that no one cares coz i f#!king care bout her and all her f#!king friends and you dont ever tell her to go f#!kin die !!! why dont you grow the f#!k up and get a life yea?
12 yrs ago | View
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Yea, you guys are some pity bitches, well thats ok, just keep on blowing, its all good, well whatever, nothing you say really matters so lifes good ;)
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Uhhm, Will Do :) You obviously care considering your willing to keep sit here argueing your point over and over again. Ha.
12 yrs ago | View
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Uhm, guess who started it? You. I said ignore this s#!t but you continue to push the mother f#!king issue. Just f#!k off, go die, no body f#!king cares. If you know its not true then you should have just left it the f#!k alone, but no, push the mother f#!king issue c#!t
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Hahah Yet your sitting on your computer argueing with us right now ? Yeahhhhh that'd be right
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
@Perfect.Weapon F.U.C.K O.F.F R.A.T
12 yrs ago | View
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Oh well then you guys are the chilidsh ones who obviousl have nothing else to f#!king do
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
@Yo Bitch Cook Me Some Eggs! i agree
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
12 yrs ago | View
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Oh my god just leave her the f#!k alone, goddamn it!
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Ewww. Jealous of some nerdy chick who cant back up her own comments and remarks of other people and cant think of good comebacks if her life depended on it ? Yeah , were soooo f#!king jealous! Hahaha Dream on buddy!
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
PFFFT we aint jellous u dips#!t!, all we doin is givin ya a taste of ya own f#!king medicine
12 yrs ago | View
girls got swag
Look u mother f#!king bitches get a f#!king life damn stop hating wen u guys do this it must mean ur jealous
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
@Bitch_Plz AHAHAH thanks cutie
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Hahahah Perfect weapon. Shhh, you have f#!king 3 against 1 and a half (the half being this 'haters' chick - coz she cant think of comebacks for s#!t and just says the same dumb s#!t over and over again tying to make herself look tough) . How yould you like it if someone called one your close friends a s!#t and said that theyre not pretty and s#!t. and then have them in tears to you about what that person said.? You wouldnt let them get away with it would you? No. Sooo maybe take a look at it from our angle and you would understand. Otherwise, stay out of it.
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
@Perfect.Weapon OI! i never did anythang to u and i was bein nice at first soo then fine i;ll be mean HAVE IT UR f#!kING WAY! btw's do u even kno wat a s!#t is? umm obviously NOT! do u kno wat a whore is? ummm obviosly not? did u kno that i'm not the only person in the world who take selfies.... ummm OBVIOSLY NOT!!!!!! do u kno me ! f#!k NO! BYE BYE LOOSER
12 yrs ago | View
@Perfect.Weapon calm the f#!k down she beat yo weak ass up.
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
You wanna make a f#!king bet 'haters' .. What do you call this ? 414-1086744-5-2026e25d9d4697aa32092 671465ae091
12 yrs ago | View
Okay NowGuise;Chynna Chiilllllllllllllll
12 yrs ago | View
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@Meerkittykat who loves Blaykey Ok, then well then shut the f#!k up, I swear to god when people were saying s#!t, yea whatever, just get the f#!k off this picture and s#!t bro, not even cool, you wanna have it out? Mess with me and not her, because I can handle myself unlike your skanky ass motherf#!king self. smfh people these days
12 yrs ago | View
@haters damn they gettin yo dumm ass, nd you just sittin there lookin stupid sayin the same s#!t over nd over again.
12 yrs ago | View
girls got swag
bulls#!t she didnt
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
okayyy watever u didnt even save my ass...
12 yrs ago | View
Yo Guise ; Chhiiiiillllllllllllllll
12 yrs ago | View
girls got swag
i know but i dont know wat
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Guys, guys guys ... No need to fight over me ;)
12 yrs ago | View
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Commented late like TF sorry
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Come Onn... It Feels Like A Cloud Lifted Us All Up. And The Rain Soaked Up The Clouds And Droped Us All Down. Come On Get Along!!
12 yrs ago | View
Leeaahh ;)
settle the f#!k down perfect weapon,, obviously your too pathetic to let this go
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Perfect.Weapon Uhh Yeah I was There Wacthing The Convo Every One is Being Nice ^.^ .. Akward
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Dude. we were just starting to work things out , why must you go and ruin it again?
12 yrs ago | View
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Hmm, thats cool, just hope you guys are feeling soooooo well right now ;) haha, wow, never seen people hate like this is yo know your not a blah blah f#!king blah then just ignore that s#!t and move on with your life
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Hahah okay HONEY BOO, Just keep telling yaself that, Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
you kno wats funny ur always bsaying jump off her dick....umm seriously i wudnt even jump on it in the first place! ohh yeah and off course u'd kno if she had a dick or not cuz ya always on it
12 yrs ago | View
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They dont have to be on to see your c#!t ass hating. So yea back off the dicks honey boo ;)
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
"WE" ? Hahah , Dude, your all on your f#!king own, you dont seem to have anyone here backing you up , and the bitches battles that you are fighting for her isnt even showing her f#!king face on this site coz shes pusssaay. So, actually, whos laughing now? US. HAHAHAHHAHA
12 yrs ago | View
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Oh well, deal with it, you guys just look so f#!king ignorant, I said ignore that s#!t, but noooooo you just keep coming back just to get something out of it, but well guess what honey, all we are doing is laughing at al your think-your-tough ass mther f#!king bitches
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Yes ... the good ol' jealousy comeback .. Seen this one WAY too many times ..
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
why would we be jealous of an ugly mut??
12 yrs ago | View
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Well, she didnt say s#!t, f#!king op off her dick shes actually always on your mind so you guys must be jealous of something, f#!k off bro
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
shud upppp
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Dude, she wants to start s#!t , were gonna end it ?
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
f#!k up bitch
12 yrs ago | View
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wow, your f#!king chilidsh, got f#!k yourselfs cause this s#!t is f#!king out of line
12 yrs ago | View
breannaa louisee <3
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
12 yrs ago | View
@Perfect.Weapon, dont get smart bitch
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
ur welcomes ^-^
12 yrs ago | View
@Meerkittykat who loves Blaykey, thnx!
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
love dis pic! ;3
12 yrs ago | View
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