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28 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 1, Following 0
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weed 4 life
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
text** oh how I fail at typing these daays,
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
test sesh?
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
ahaha nothing just listeing to music, and talking to you having a test seshh... :L
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
ok kool well im gonna have a cone in a minute so yer wats up?
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
Yer :)
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
ok well talk on here?
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
ok well talk on here?
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
ok well talk on here?
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
My phone is being a dickhead, and won't let me :L
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
oh yer its really pretty just saying lol inbox me im cut my friend was like lets have a cod sesh then he ditched me wat a fag
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
On facey about my dp...
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol ok wat inbox
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
and thanks for the inbox on faceey :) made my night xx.
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
ahaha okaay..
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol ok well l8rs im going to have a cod sesh peace
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol ok well l8rs im going to have a cod sesh peace
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol ok well l8rs im going to have a cod sesh peace
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
HAHA, nah bro, I'm right, i just quit :L
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
wtf ayy u need a cone so bad it helps
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
wtf ayy u need a cone so bad it helps
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
wtf ayy u need a cone so bad it helps
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
wtf ayy u need a cone so bad it helps
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
wtf ayy u need a cone so bad it helps
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
Not any more :L , nah we were f#!king around cutting eachother and I let them cut all up my arm, and well yer, it was a ferrel site /:
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
r u emo??? :S
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
r u emo??? :S
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
I was with a few guys and some old people caught me and the 2 boys with knifs, and cuts up my arms ahha./ os they took me home and yer..
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
yer im high naa my pc is lagging so im like clicking 400 times 4 it 2 register
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
oi why id the cops excort you back??????
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
i must b the youngedst her aye..
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
hehehehehhehehe are you sure its not the user??? heheheh jks!!!!!!
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
lol you said that 3 times!!! hehehehhe are you high???? cuz if you are im jealous!!! :P
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol soz my computer is f#!king up
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol soz my computer is f#!king up
12 yrs ago | View
You.Only.Live.Once. ♥
im confused..
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
@Mc'Deeze(: yer ayy
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
@Mc'Deeze(: yer ayy
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
@Mc'Deeze(: yer ayy
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
nah just talkin bout how im gonna get there to stonerboiis place to have a sesh!!!! :P
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
@Mc'Deeze(: yer ayy
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
i wish
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
i wish
12 yrs ago | View
bitcheess im back ahahah jokes , still commenting on this photo :L
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
hehheeh welll thats goood!!! hehehhehehe bored want to sesh now!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
its ok idc
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
hahah good thats probs a good thing unless i wanna ruin my chances of havin a sesh with you!!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
soz i dnt remember lol
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
soz i dnt remember lol
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
good cuz it was a tad mean!!!!!! well not really but yeah you got up me an jewels an s#!t!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
ehh its ok i was high i forgot
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
yeah i know who your gf is... i commented on one of her pics like 3 days ago!!! i am eally sorry for that too!!! oh shiiit!!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol i get em but i dont show up
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol i get em but i dont show up
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
heheheheheh thats the thing with our school every one is really strict an if you run late they give you detentions... :( i have had one every day this year!!!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol it doesnt matter all i say is aww i was at the toilet or i couldnt find the room coz i lost my timetable it works
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol it doesnt matter all i say is aww i was at the toilet or i couldnt find the room coz i lost my timetable it works
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
man i come to your school??? i would love that!!! hehehheh but i probs wouldn't be back for the next bell!!! heheheheheheh
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol really? i wish i could drop out but i want 2 stay till yr 12 so i can get a better job at our school if ur a senior u do watever aslong as ur back b4 the next bell
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
at our school senours get into more trouble if they wag then the juniour years!!!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
yer but seniors are allowed 2 im yr 9 not 11 or 12
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
i wag all the time an never been caught!!! i go down to maccas!!! hehehhehhehe
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lol idc i wag alot about 2 b suspended 4 it 2
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3 16!!!! two years older hahaha suck s#!t!!!!! have more freedoms... probs not but anyways!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
im 14 not turning fifteen this year tho lol add me on fb Matt Denis Kristy Reynolds
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
yeah!!! your probs be better at it then me... even though im the older one!!!
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
same but without getting caught
12 yrs ago | View
BlakesBitch< 3
no.. that would be somethin that i would do!!! hehehehehhehehe
12 yrs ago | View
weed 4 life
lemme guess had a sesh got caught
12 yrs ago | View
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