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25 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 2, Following 0
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♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
tell her to come at me bro!!!
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
And yeah surevit! haahha
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
awkies cause i got hacked. shes still uglyyyyy!
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Oh Em Gee !! Wow thats crazy!! and aww u remeber my whole name, yup its Jadeite but call me Jade!!
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@pretty boy omg leave..
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
I died and got reincarnated then came back to life, nahh aha the cops and s#!t took all my eectronics off me coz mms trynna get charges put against me. DOG ACT. and lol i sthis breanna or jadeite?
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
nah jks babe your hot :)
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
changed the name btw, Jade!!
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Tia, Omfg were have you been. !! Heyyy
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Hahhahaha was gonna read this but nah ..
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
mad undies s!#t.
12 yrs ago | View
Well then Dear girls from Houston Firstly learn how to spell stop adding double letters like your some word whore. Secondly so acting like stuck up bit ches and get a life us "girls from Australia" have lives and we don't waste them we have fun with them so the th f#!k up Sincerly Girls from Australia
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
f#!k off !! Leave every girl on here the f#!k alone c#!t!!
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
I love my God. He is the only one in the world
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
ohh yea cuz ur imaginary boyfriend totes cheated on you and went out with a chick on here that she dumped becuz ur a pedo and ur imaginary boyfriend totes hit on every girl on here, f#!k ur stupid becuz u just hit on these girls here just be4 f#!k face!!cseeing as u posted oon this "wow that is so good" in otherwords ya wanna f#!k em becuz theyre hot and u can ever actually get them hahaha u stupid
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
it wasnt me it was my gay boy friend
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
ur name use to be luckyboy on here and u asked me 4 sex, u asked me to put a pic of my ass up on here and u asked my friend if she cud put a pic of here vagina on here soo just shud up i know what kinda person u are!!
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
i am ugly and i like boy im gay
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
well have you seen the things on tv, and there are way more worse pictures on here and the internet and google than this soo yeah and f#!k OFF "Pretty boy" Leave these girls alone u fuc king pervey horny bastard
12 yrs ago | View
pretty boy
wow that is so good
12 yrs ago | View
i an't a hater i have no idea who she is... but theres kids on here that shouldnt see this
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
@megaaaaan < 33 u aree soo rite! :)
12 yrs ago | View
megaaaaan <33
to the people who judge ummm HELLO its the same as being in a bikini but no one says eww to that shame hahahaah haters gonna hate if u dont like it dont comment hunny i wouldnt give a dam what they say
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
regret calling them s!#ts ok
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
yea but Alex's baby girl beb no one likes being called a s!#t and theree is no need for it these girls are gawjus and they most likey are virgins becuz obviously they dont always thro themselves around and they just look like girls who have fun and muck around thats all, i have been called a s!#t soo many times and actually by randoms aswell like my boobs might be squished together by my shirt in one photo and ppl automatically called me a s!#t, i has rumors going around my skl about me and yea i just dont wanna see these girls get bullied and you know words sometimes strikes a womens feelings and heart and then they could hurt themselves, like cut, bite, scratch, turn anorexic and starve themselves, get obese from being depressed and eating heaps of chocolate and i have been thru theses things so i do know how these girls feel and plus you can die from those things sooo do u really wanna be the person who causes the death of an inocent girl ... think about it sweetie because it can happen to u too & u'll
12 yrs ago | View
i know that but why do it...??... its just asking to bee called a s!#t
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
omg! Alex's baby girl, go away its my friend's choice what she does in a photo, so what if she gets called a s!#t she's a virign, and knows she's not.
12 yrs ago | View
well thats one way to gets a guy attion and a nother way to get called a s!#t :/ hope u have fun....
12 yrs ago | View
then dont lol
12 yrs ago | View
Levi Dillon
haa i dont even know how respond to this oicture ahha ..
12 yrs ago | View
@Levi Dillon haha ??
12 yrs ago | View
Levi Dillon
swagg thoughh !
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
i v agreed
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
agreed 100% Ryan A.P.
12 yrs ago | View
hahahaha at you guys,, why keep goin on with this, its her f*ckin picture, dont like it dont f*cking look at it
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
f#!k up bitch leave them the hell alonee. theres nothing wrong with the photo its just like wearing binkies f#!kheaaaaaaaaaaad! dumb c#!ts theres nothing wrong with the photo!!!!!1
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
:) good girl ;P cya beach_vans < 3 :)
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Youre Rightto Beth, I was trynna be nice, but ppl just don't understand.. Later,, umm Beach_vans < 3
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
just dont talk to eachother becuz it just causes more arguements, and its her photo so we really dont need to comment Jade bub :) lets get outta here aii :3
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
and i only said yall would regret posting this, cause Fotofriend admin is gonna blovk who ever pics are inaaprotaite in future time,. sso yeah
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Umm Noo ,,, This dude name Chum said " Yall can be s!#ts" and im like no theres not s!#ts. i was being nice. and i recall in the wayy being calling yous Gawjuss.
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
у.σ.ℓ.σ ♥ ♪ ♪ ♫ you called a girl a S L U T because of what she was wearing. your the mean one, that's all im going to say, get off my photo, goodbye.
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
whhatt Beach_vans. in the wassyy beginning i was on your side. and now im like wtf this is stupid. so yeah, Why you being mean.
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
why is everyone fighting over everyone seriously, you girls look gorgeous :) I dont know you's but i aint quick to judge cuz i have gone thru the same thing :)
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
у.σ.ℓ.σ ♥ ♪ ♪ ♫, go away cause you seem to start a lot of sh it. and your not top s#!t hun'
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
Beach_vans < 3 lol. okaiis,,
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
p.s. we wont regretthisa in a few years and we are not s!#ts
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
wow take your life problems and comment them on someone elses yea?
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
i followed yoou!! the moment you commented I had to follow.. !! :D
12 yrs ago | View
lol, thats okkayy beb, follow me?? (: anytime(:
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@Question-Mark-Face , omg i love you right now,. lol !! you just read my mind!! I be like eww , you don';t even know these chicks,.,. I know you can give nice comments but damm, it be like. your sexy. your cute. be mine. like wtf,.!! and Yeah i have a right to speak!! Question mark face is right.. :)
12 yrs ago | View
wtf chum, yolo has a right to speak, god!! i love how your c hatting up demi and put on this whole act how you really like her, yet you have said that around a billion otha chicks are hot and tried to chat them! get a life
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
sorry.. -_-
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
umm ookay..
12 yrs ago | View
wtf just sut up plz
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
wow dude,, your umm I don't know .. annoying at times
12 yrs ago | View
just bounce
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
lol.. I was in this in the waayyyy beginning .. lol just didnt comment for a while..
12 yrs ago | View
y do you always have to get in this
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
lol there not s!#ts.. and Wolfpack,. They'll regret it .. in future years.. lol
12 yrs ago | View
lets them be s!#ts
12 yrs ago | View
lets them be s!#t
12 yrs ago | View
yeah, bye
12 yrs ago | View
love you kaira
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
matt boney....
12 yrs ago | View
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