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25 yrs old from United States. Followed By 20, Following 24
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goshh,, girll your pretty!
12 yrs ago | View
Added to hall of fame
12 yrs ago | View
hahaa thankss,, girll, but you are prettier!(: and me you and kyli gotta hangg out sooonn!(:
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
Were sooo cool.! Lol. But No I don't have a promlem just that you're prettier than me.!
12 yrs ago | View
your welcome! and do you have a problem with me or are we cool? lol
12 yrs ago | View
Thanks.! (:
12 yrs ago | View
britttney your so pretty!
12 yrs ago | View
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
g8 pic.
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Nice pic.
12 yrs ago | View
Mayson's Girl 100% sexyness
love you to brit
12 yrs ago | View
love ya to.
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Love ya toos! And @CALEBS WIFEY wtf your sentences make zeor since.. Js. Igghtt peace!
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
no he never said that
12 yrs ago | View
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
did he say he didn't care bout u cuzz i am waitin to hurt him
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
lol ok by jade luv ya!(: and what do you mean what he said?
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Well I g2g , my dad needs help. I'll tell you what i'm annoyed about tommorw. ^_^ Byes
12 yrs ago | View
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
lol juss main shure and tanner better nit have said the ill beath the fhcuk outa him
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Yeah, if he doesn't respect & care about your feelings then let go. And yeaahhh @CALEB'S WIFEY < 3
12 yrs ago | View
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
sells yall its tanner sells
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
bcuz i love him too much and he means everything to me! idk im just stupid for going back with him! but im telling him how i feel bcuz im tired of this bulls#!t and if he breakes up with me then ok bcuz all im ding is tellin him how i feel
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
O.o Wtf, in my opinoun he is a waste of time, I'm in highschool and if a boy acts like that, and be around other girls and stuff he wouldn't have your last breath. Like forreal tanner if you read this cut that s#!t out bro, ( I don't you two to break up) but, really if he is acting like a dick.. Why bother?
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
and yes i know i shouldv'e
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
i can't bcuz he will end up breaking up with me bcuz of the way i feel about it bcuz ok i'll be telling hi how i feel and he will be like ok and i will be like so your ok with that and he will be all like if you dont like how ou relationship is then break up with me
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
He is sneaky, you should have learned from your mistakes..
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Your not stupid. You just ... are in love, and dw. You should text him and tell him how you feel..
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
and he is always saying that he is going to treat me right and stuff like that but he doesn't he lies about this and he seems to love me more when we wern't dating than when we actually are dating and thats what i hate!
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
idk like if she isnt his gf what does he have to f#!king hide like it pisses me off!!i knew that he was going to be trouble once he walked into my life!! And i know i am stupid to go back out with him but i love him so much i just lost it i said yes
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Wow, this dude seems like a player.. (Sorry tanner). Wtf is he afraid of, if shes not his gf why won't he let chu speak to her..?! O.o
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
too much to say let's just says this he is around this gurl and she grabbed the fone from tanner and asked what my name was and then she said something else and i asked tanner what she said and he said idk and i said ask her and he said no and so like i called him and i asked is she ur gf and he said no and i said so let me talk to her and he said no and i said what are u afradi of and he didnt say anything back!
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Oh pfft, and tanner?!! :o Why?
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
its tanner
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
i just said S.
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
What does the name end with?
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Long story, but first who is ?
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
omg yy?!??and yea mee to someone is being a dick
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
I'm soo mad right now, and sad, and wanting to scream! >:(
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
haha ikr!!!!
12 yrs ago | View
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Wow reading this made me rofl.. To much ''He said she said drama" ...
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
well it's prolly some stupid s#!t that people are spreading around!
12 yrs ago | View
Alot of people told me that she was walking around saying that they beat her to beating my ass or sum s#!t
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
oh s#!t just got real! sorry lol but yea who did you here that s#!t from that she wanted to fight?!? just wondering bcuz im sure it's not true!they could just be stupid rumors bein spread around!
12 yrs ago | View
well if u want me to i will..... thats ur problem u listin to dramma and bulls#!t when u no damn well its not true but if u wanna believe that then go for it but do get s#!tty with me cuz it wont be something that ill f#!k around with cuz i dont f#!k with peoples dum bulls#!t
12 yrs ago | View
Well i've heard you've been talking s#!t at school saying you wana fight me...?
12 yrs ago | View
no ones talkin s#!t so ur ass can chill no ones been doing s#!t to u and u just keep trippen over nothin
12 yrs ago | View
Really? You guys are talking s#!t over the internet? Real mature.
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
oh ok yay!!haha and nm wbu?
12 yrs ago | View
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
wait are you talking to selena, me, or both??
12 yrs ago | View
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
what up
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
heyyyy!! i know your talking to miranda i just wanted to do that lol
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
Perrty Girl Swag (Miranda)†
hey selena
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
aww thanks but when i look at my pics and then look in the mirror i just wish in the mirror that i could look like that in the pic lol
12 yrs ago | View
no u dont ur sooooooo pretty in all of them and in real life i no that for a fact
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
lolz well yea i know that!!!but like i look different in my pics than what i actually look like!
12 yrs ago | View
lol cuz she can seee pics of u lol DUHHH
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
ohh yea i thought you meant at school im like how the hell does she know what i look like??..
12 yrs ago | View
on here in one of these pics
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
yea i know! and where was she??!??
12 yrs ago | View
yea i saw brittny staren to gane up on u and thats not cool
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
love you too selena and ok
12 yrs ago | View
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