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Meh and my puppy hanging around in the kitchen
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~MirandaLee~ Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
23 yrs old from United States. Followed By 106, Following 103
I don't live to impress u!! (:: Love you Nate *1~8~13*
Reply 11 yrs ago
Smile wide for your haters! (:
1 11 yrs ago
Havnt been on here in a longgg time!!
1 11 yrs ago
Monday 2mmrow!! UGHHHH
Reply 11 yrs ago
My hair!!! ]
Reply 11 yrs ago
Meh and my puppy hanging around in the kitchen
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Camo day!! No School..Math Bowl 2mmrow!!! Gonna be great
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Softball later
Reply 11 yrs ago
He's dancin
Reply 11 yrs ago
Skypin Biberstine!!
1 11 yrs ago
This dog is my Valentine!!
Reply 11 yrs ago
5 11 yrs ago
Rate me 1-100
5 11 yrs ago
Mehh! (:: Bball later!! So ready Maddie!! LOL
2 11 yrs ago
6 11 yrs ago
Your welcome Nabil!!! (::
5 11 yrs ago
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out!!! (:: love tht song
1 11 yrs ago
B-ball soon with the best girls ever!! Gonna have fun!! (::
9 11 yrs ago
Stupid Boys
4 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Happy Meh!!!
7 11 yrs ago
Had a great day!! (:
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Country Music
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Uhh no Alex!!
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Morning! (::
Reply 11 yrs ago
3 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
1 11 yrs ago
Crazy me!!
Reply 11 yrs ago
3 11 yrs ago
1 11 yrs ago
This is how short it is!! (::
5 11 yrs ago
Got my hair cut!! (::
Reply 11 yrs ago
Have to much hw!! uggh
1 11 yrs ago
Y does it hurt the most when u know/think he doesnt love u anymore?Yet u still f…
1 11 yrs ago
B-ball practice later!! (::
Reply 11 yrs ago
my cat!
Reply 11 yrs ago
3 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Babe u turn my world upside down
1 11 yrs ago
Get to take a stuffed animal to school 2mmrow for our 20 day count down till ist…
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