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Ok from now On we will just be friends nothing more and we will call each other friend names. No more of this babe stuff ok. We r just friends pal!!!!
11 yrs ago
i was actually playing in the game. I played for 3 quarters
11 yrs ago
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
South side
11 yrs ago
Soo what school do u go too and I think that we will make great friends
11 yrs ago
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
11 yrs ago
@☮Hannah-Marie✌ Thank you
11 yrs ago
I love you babe
11 yrs ago
It was my team the Amityville Warriors against the Islip kings
11 yrs ago
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
pretty no homo
11 yrs ago
i miss you and we lost our 1 basketball game 53-17. it was really bad :(
11 yrs ago
I am very upset and I can't control my emotions
11 yrs ago
Awww thank u babe. You r so sweet
11 yrs ago
Thanks babe
11 yrs ago
yes it totally works for me and that is so sweet of you to do that.
11 yrs ago
I mean babe in a friend way
11 yrs ago
Thank you babe
11 yrs ago
$weetPea$wag (8 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
24 yrs old from United States. Followed By 13, Following 5
Sabrina Tobin
79 11 yrs ago
So Happy
Reply 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
in a good mood
1 11 yrs ago
trying not to look tired
Reply 11 yrs ago
i am so cool and swagolicious
16 11 yrs ago
hello people
Reply 11 yrs ago
good morning everyone
1 11 yrs ago
cool photo
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