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hey and btw that was alyssa
11 yrs ago
hey kylie.
11 yrs ago
Realy kayla posting that comment on fotofriend because everyone can see that now every one knows that was pretty stupid u dumb broud
11 yrs ago
thats right. You heard her!
11 yrs ago
M.E.S.S.E.R. <3
Seriously. He is my boyfriend not yours. I suggest that you back off. Got it.? Good. Happy 3 months mason(: love you
11 yrs ago
@kayla kayla .. kayla. back the f#!k off. he has a girlfriend. find your self a guy that isn't taken. julia is my best friend and im going to stick up for her. K.? got it.? good.!
11 yrs ago
Ohh. wow makayla wtf?!? Mason castle is taken. and makayla ur mayson would never cheat on you. He loves you. he told me. And js but in my eyes if you tell somone you like them when ur dating someone thats cheating.
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
neither one of you care do you
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
nvm i am sad tho
11 yrs ago
nvm Mason
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
No at Makayla and u talkin about dating peepz
11 yrs ago
y would she be mad i am not cheeting on her
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
cause he is a cheater i guess
11 yrs ago
wow wat
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
i dont care if she is mad
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
about wat
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
i know that but i might be single
11 yrs ago
Jollia goin 2 get mad
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
i never said that u r talking about mayson wallon i am dating julia and i love julia
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
ya we are friends and if you never dated julia would you date me?
11 yrs ago
Makayla wat bout da fake baby u were gonna have??
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
who mason
11 yrs ago
we r still friends right
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
i know but do you like me or madi
11 yrs ago
Wow.....Mason u dated Makayla but like 10 in after u dumped her! kom
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
ok thx
11 yrs ago
i am going out with julia and i really like her
11 yrs ago
@kayla ok i won't i sware!!
11 yrs ago
i see it and shes not dating him i swear.
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
i think he is thats why i told mason that i really like mason castle dont tell ANYONE
11 yrs ago
Mayson W wat if he is cheatin on u?
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
what do you mean who
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
courtney lee
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
ok um i like you i mean like like you and so does madison walker
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
she said what is your name
11 yrs ago
i wont tell anyone
11 yrs ago
tell madi 2 send me a bff request on moviestar
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
if he is wat
11 yrs ago
wow wat happens if he is??
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
will you promice not to tell anyone
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
im scared to lol
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
mason can i tell you something
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
nm u bro
11 yrs ago
nm u
11 yrs ago
lol so wuzzup?
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
thats what i said
11 yrs ago
nice pose
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
ok sorry
11 yrs ago
we'll she tells me everything just like i tell her everything.
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
just cause she is your friend doesn;t mean any thing not to be mean or any thing
11 yrs ago
cause shes my best friend and she would tell me plus shes still single
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
well she did and how would you know
11 yrs ago
we'll she didnt.. :/
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
i was told she did?
11 yrs ago
no she didnt.
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
cause mayson said that iraes said yes when tanner stacy asked her out
11 yrs ago
no y
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
do hyou know if mayson is cheating on me
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
kayla kayla
hey mayson
11 yrs ago
dars a smile ahah!
11 yrs ago
Mason (22 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
23 yrs old from United States. Followed By 13, Following 9
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my name is pete!
11 11 yrs ago
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8 11 yrs ago
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2 11 yrs ago
me and sis
2 11 yrs ago
im #1
39 11 yrs ago
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