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Is this Ugly ? Cause ' Might wear this to school . .
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I did on I think Thursday . But I posted this the night before I wore it .
11 yrs ago
Princess Jordan.(:
Haven't you worn this to school.?
11 yrs ago
i like it. it is cute
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
Aly⚓ Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
29 yrs old from United States. Followed By 74, Following 28
3 11 yrs ago
blink 182
Reply 11 yrs ago
I haven 't been on here in 4 months ! At the beach earlier today though .
Reply 11 yrs ago
I 'm like a turtle who broke out of the ugly shell . lmfaoo . (;
4 11 yrs ago
This Girl . >>> She is gorgeous . (;
2 11 yrs ago
You Were Hackked By The Bestt.! Love You Valentineee:) -Chelseaaaa!:) < 3
2 11 yrs ago
This Girl. !(: >>> :D
1 11 yrs ago
Ussss . (:
10 11 yrs ago
Look familiar , Millie ? c;
Reply 11 yrs ago
1 11 yrs ago
Love this kid . (:
46 11 yrs ago
This Sweartshirt , I freakin ' love it . (:
3 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
Love this kid . (:
4 11 yrs ago
Absolutely in love with this . (:
5 11 yrs ago
This is what I call ' Ugly as f#!k ! ' Oh well . (:
2 11 yrs ago
Crying won 't solve anything , my dear .
13 11 yrs ago
My Valentine . .3
1 11 yrs ago
Oh Chelsea , What are you doing ? xDD
1 11 yrs ago
Love this girl . (:
2 11 yrs ago
Rest in peace , Angel . You were like a second mom to me . . 02 - 04 - 13 .-33
6 11 yrs ago
Lets go 49ers ! Only 4 points until a tie ! (:
Reply 11 yrs ago
Ugh . /:
4 11 yrs ago
Is this Ugly ? Cause ' Might wear this to school . .
12 11 yrs ago
Comment & I 'll make you a collage . (:
5 11 yrs ago
Water park tomorrow ! Have to be careful though . . Stupid arm .
Reply 11 yrs ago
11 11 yrs ago
My sexy sling , lmao .
1 11 yrs ago
Chelsea & I.(:
1 11 yrs ago
Athena & I.
3 11 yrs ago
Sick.! Drinking Ginger Ale out of my Christmas cup.(;
13 12 yrs ago
When the guy you really like tells you that he cant talk to you anymore because …
3 12 yrs ago
Man down, Man Down.!
Reply 12 yrs ago
The devil; Chelsea Hope Conley. Her face XD
1 12 yrs ago
My foot is asleep while Chelseas (In the back) butt is asleep.(:
2 12 yrs ago
I love everyone on here. Except when you hate; Then you become fake & then I don…
Reply 12 yrs ago
5 12 yrs ago
That awkward moment when ur beating a bee with a sack of soup and then a faint s…
1 12 yrs ago
Apparently they didnt have jobs back then, They just singed & danced. ~I'm watch…
Reply 12 yrs ago
When people take pictures like this they look like expressionless turkeys.. Just…
3 12 yrs ago
When you find out that the guy you like is dating a girl you HATE.
3 12 yrs ago
Ew. I'm ugly. Like a frog, Yess.! Ribbet, Ribbet.!(:
1 12 yrs ago
I got bored so I did my hair.. Akward. ^.^
1 12 yrs ago
Shi wont dye his hair Blue & Purple. What a party pooper.!(;
Reply 12 yrs ago
Rawr. Ima Dinosaur.!
6 12 yrs ago
I can rap & sing.(:
Reply 12 yrs ago
My face when I spray this perfume. Yuck.!
7 12 yrs ago
I dont wear makeup, Jade. Ask anyone that knows me, Aint nobody got time for tha…
Reply 12 yrs ago
I cant put my hair like a funky chicken or something. ^.^
2 12 yrs ago
In this box, there are 307 diffrent eyeshadows. What now.?!
4 12 yrs ago
I have oreos.!
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