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I'm not friends with them
12 yrs ago
I'm not friends with them
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
i know you Tiana Chloe and Tyson and all YOUR little s!#t friends okay and learn how to spell
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
Jacinta was a loser at school and Me and my friend where nice and let her in to our friend ship and iff we dident do that se still wouldo off bean a loser/loner and you don't know half off us for f#!king hell so stop saying s#!t if u don't know half off us you domb f#!king lil s!#t
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
you girls are all as bad as eachother, its funny chloe when u were mates with jacinta it was all like, emmas a mole that and skylas a fat bitch that and now u just like them because u have noone to go to.
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
dude i can smell you from here, and when i hugged you you smelt like rat
12 yrs ago
How would you know u don't know them like I do and what are you doing smelling me???
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
these s!#ts want you*
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
skyla shut up. the oly reson these s!#ts is so that u can belly flop poeple. ur so f#!king ugly. and u smell like fish, its almost like you just went simming a in a school of dead tuna so sut ur hole ors ill sut it with my fist and im not scared to. :)
12 yrs ago
Che Che Chelsea You don't scar us so yeah
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
you do relise i dont care what i look like, and you may think she is pretty but i dont and i never will and btw ur talking to ur self and my name is chelsea to you thank u very much and jacinta is not a s!#t.. k and if you dont wanna meet my fist you will shut up
12 yrs ago
I know Emma, and Tiana aint a s!#t un like u che che chelsea
12 yrs ago
xX EmMa_KaTe Xx
shes prettier than ur r
12 yrs ago
xX EmMa_KaTe Xx
leave her alone che che chelsea
12 yrs ago
Leve Tiana alown she is really pretty.....!!
12 yrs ago
xX EmMa_KaTe Xx
its 'caterpillar' FYI
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
catterpiller face
12 yrs ago
che che chelsea
you have a really big forehead and busshhy eyebrows
12 yrs ago
JellyBeaaaan! (10 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
28 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 5, Following 0
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s#!tz n gigz.
Reply 12 yrs ago
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Reply 12 yrs ago
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