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26 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 3, Following 5
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Everyone stopped commenting for a reason.
12 yrs ago | View
Wtf, seriously? Did you guys really have too comment, on this picture? everyone stopped commenting cause they're was too much drama. You honestly could've just went to a different picture and cmmented on. Cuz the comments you're talkng about right now, has NOTHING. to do with this. Mk.
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
I like sleeping in pitch dark! :) And w a loud fan xD
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
me too!!! I dont know whyy either though... but i just do lol :P
12 yrs ago | View <3
lol... yea my profile pic on here used to be my cover on fb... but not anymore... its just me in the dark now.!! hahahah lol... idk y but i love the dark.!!
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
hahah... i had to look at ur picture again to make sure it was you... cuz i know we are friends on fb but i had to check twice lol. :D
12 yrs ago | View <3
yea i am.!! hahahaha lol i saw ur pic on fb then looked on here and thought u reminded me of someone
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
OOhhh... you are Payton Fuller... right???
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
Yeah... what is your name???
12 yrs ago | View <3
lol... is ur name kayy kayy sto on fb??
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
That is exactly what i would say... i agree i mean it is that way... and no body gets it just accept them for who they are! And i agree too... it will come back at them!... HARDD!!!
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Ya... s#!t's f#!ked up.
12 yrs ago | View <3
yea seriously... ppl just dont know how to shut their f#!kin mouths.!! u think its wierd ok but keep ur thoughts to urself.!! i mean u wanna say somethin mean then take it out on a wall or somethin.!! so dont f#!k ppl over... or ur gonna get f#!ked over a thousand times worse... so shut the f#!k up.!!
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
hahah... yeah she should! lol :P
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
ik And Yup The guest toke my sugestion, to stfu! :)
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
right... all the way with Kayla and you... the love is the only thing that matters!
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Exacly, Thanx Love:) and it's not like there aliens, it madders bout feeling!
12 yrs ago | View <3
i wouldnt say eww either.!! they r all human.!! they r the same as anyone else... just becuz they like their on gender or somethin doesnt mean s#!t.!! its the love tht really matters.!! and im with u kayla... dont be haten.!!
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
How am i hating when i did'nt say things judging them? I stuck up for them. ya im straight but do you see me saying ewwww? nope.
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #478810
no ur haten
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Oh I didnt no saying Ewww was'nt hating? oh wait, it is!
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #478810
not haten
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Im straight but still you can't be haten.
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #478810
no cause im not gay and i think that weird :/
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Your saying s#!t like ew so go awa
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #478810
im not being mean
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Go away
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #478810
ok idc
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Guest, Bitch stfu
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Guest, Bitch stfu
12 yrs ago | View <3
not really... and my ex bf is gay... so yea idc if ur gay, bi, lez, or whtever ur a human being and u dont need to be treated like tht person is f#!ked up.!! stay away from her.!! honestly idc wht u r as long as ur f#!king awesome ur the s#!t.!!
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #478810
ew wtf that nasty
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
Chelsea that's the last thing i would do, is make fun of you, its not called for and i think it's just wrong how people so *eww thats diskusting* and bs like that
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
Just ignore those people most of my friends are bi but they keep there heads upp and go on with there life.
12 yrs ago | View
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