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27 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 29, Following 2
I have a Beautiful Girlfriend and shes a fag.
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Kayla . (;
This s#!t was Nine f#!king Month's Ago Gtfo Everyone. Thanx, Hava nice ass day.
12 yrs ago | View
Will every one just shut up im sick and tired of poeple commenting on this its been here since last year so what ya there gay get over it theres more out in the wold!
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #1738833
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
@chelsea that is so true like if they weren't proud of being gay they wouldn't put themaslves up here like that
12 yrs ago | View
Guy's Are Amazing People!!!
12 yrs ago | View
Kiana Maree
cute. ahahahaahaha! ehehee
12 yrs ago | View
guysi know its cute and everything but seriously it f#!king old as so f#!k off and STOP COMMENTING PLEASE
12 yrs ago | View
Kiera Brand<33333
12 yrs ago | View
i 100% supoport u too!!! luv u gguys
12 yrs ago | View
Kayti Wood<3
You can be my best friends.... :333
12 yrs ago | View
Kayti Wood<3
Awe. Sorry I just wanna say. I support gay right. :3 This is soo adorable. Hope you guys stay happy. :33
12 yrs ago | View
:) Kayy Kayy (:
yeah... it seriously gets annoying seeing this old picture.... like come on... plzzz... quit!
12 yrs ago | View
xx Tom taylor xx
Listen all you people who think GAY'S are wrong I think what these two have is amazing im gay and im happy for them soo all you homophobic peep's go away
12 yrs ago | View
xx Tom taylor xx
Listen all you people who think GAY'S are wrong I think what these two have is amazing im gay and im happy for them soo all you homophobic peep's go away
12 yrs ago | View
OMG you poeple are still commenting on this it was taken last year knock it off im tired of getting stupid comments from it
12 yrs ago | View
okay you look to cute to be gay lol
12 yrs ago | View
okay you look to cute to be gay lol
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
omfg jakob!!??!!
12 yrs ago | View
Jakob Speelman
i have no problem with gayes
12 yrs ago | View
☮Hannah's Laced Up-
so what yall girls do it all the time
12 yrs ago | View
!*This Gurl(:
let them be there selves! if they want to be gay let them be think about this what if whoever is talkin crap or wateva....what if you were gay, lesbian, or bi?would u want ppl talking about you?!? well just saying dont want any fights
12 yrs ago | View
aaawww, look two gay guys kissin :)
12 yrs ago | View
Jakob Speelman
awwwwwwwwwwwww look at the gays arnt they cut at least im strait
12 yrs ago | View
Umm... I'm Talking To Jarhead Cause His Eyes In This Picture Looks Like He Is High Or Someting... Just Saying
12 yrs ago | View
Jarhead ;)
yes gabby why?
12 yrs ago | View
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
vikie who r u talking too
12 yrs ago | View
<3gabby loves you<3
you said you were a model right?
12 yrs ago | View
Umm.... Are You High Or Did You Just Get Punched In The Eye??? Just Wondering
12 yrs ago | View
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
follow me
12 yrs ago | View
Ramona :)
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
Jarhead ;)
no sorry my brothers name is blake c:
12 yrs ago | View
<3gabby loves you<3
hey do you have a bother named kolton
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #1921193
xx lol
12 yrs ago | View
Deleted Account
Right?? lol
12 yrs ago | View
s#!t.. :o
12 yrs ago | View
that's hot
12 yrs ago | View
follow mepl zxx
12 yrs ago | View
handsom u both are xx
12 yrs ago | View
meee 2 jassy govier:P
12 yrs ago | View
add me on facebook!
12 yrs ago | View
Y'all Should Add Me On Skype :) vikie.guzman Or Text Me!!! 260-582-6276!
12 yrs ago | View
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
wats up slena
12 yrs ago | View
*its me*
do u got a phone
12 yrs ago | View
ni**a please!!!mOLlY(SMPDB)
u r so f#!kin hot omg
12 yrs ago | View
❤Le-Le is Heart~broken❤!!
welcome and k
12 yrs ago | View
Jarhead ;)
aww thanks everyone! ^_^ ill facebook name: Jarrod Pike
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
❤Le-Le is Heart~broken❤!!
u 2 r hot add me on facebook leah umphrey
12 yrs ago | View
*its me*
add me on skype hailee.slone
12 yrs ago | View
*its me*
12 yrs ago | View
Kiana Maree
yous are hotttt.
12 yrs ago | View
Your too cute.
12 yrs ago | View
Kayla . (;
This was 2 f#!king months ago god damn;
12 yrs ago | View
@*AngelFace* Yeahh. Prob.
12 yrs ago | View
0.o SwAgGeR oN 100%
Hii . ?
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
I dont know but im not fighting on this thing anymore. so goodbye! :)
12 yrs ago | View
I think he's trying to say "no take it off"
12 yrs ago | View
@Guest1738833 What?
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #1738833
no take off
12 yrs ago | View
Guest #1738833
no take off
12 yrs ago | View
So we cool.?
12 yrs ago | View
0.o SwAgGeR oN 100%
12 yrs ago | View
Okay. .Well no need to freaking fight about it.. Kay?
12 yrs ago | View
0.o SwAgGeR oN 100%
Igght I Guess
12 yrs ago | View
Umm For Your Info.. I Was Fu(k!ing Sick For Crying Out Loud. Dont belive Me? Ask Anybody You Might Now! Lol. But If You Want Too Meet Today And Talk Or somthing Whatever.. Im Cool With That..
12 yrs ago | View
~Kim Morris~
OMFG stop commenting this is geting old god dang just stop commenting and delet the pic god is not that hard
12 yrs ago | View
0.o SwAgGeR oN 100%
Dont Worrie Bout Her She Was A No Show!
12 yrs ago | View
~NaTaLeE NiCoLe~
omg culd u guys stop commenting on this pic... its getting old and its blowing up my notifications?
12 yrs ago | View
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