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25 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 2, Following 0
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beach_vans <3
12 yrs ago | View
All me and elyle are trying to say is maybe ur aren't s!#ts but your making yourself look like one! And yeah WE KNOW you are just trying to "have fun" you only said that A BILLION times...but have fun doing something else. But if you do want to have fun by taking unflattering pictures of you in your granny panties thats fine, but don't post them because ARGUMENTS are gonna happen, OBVIOUSLY! So the lesson is, no one wants to see ur ratchet picture of you trying to be "HAWWWT" so everyone calm the fuk down, OK?....we already said bye once so idk why you respond with a page message. And I you REDPOND TO THIS, DON'T, because the argument is just gonna continue and no on wants that ok....BYE. Please.
12 yrs ago | View
All me and elyle are trying to say is maybe ur aren't s!#ts but your making yourself look like one! And yeah WE KNOW you are just trying to "have fun" you only said that A BILLION times...but have fun doing something else. But if you do want to have fun by taking unflattering pictures of you in your granny panties thats fine, but don't post them because ARGUMENTS are gonna happen, OBVIOUSLY! So the lesson is, no one wants to see ur ratchet picture of you trying to be "HAWWWT" so everyone calm the fuk down, OK?....we already said bye once so idk why you respond with a page message. And I you REDPOND TO THIS, DON'T, because the argument is just gonna continue and no on wants that ok....BYE. Please.
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
not saying that you are a crack head but.... good bye now.
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
we dont need*
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
i didnt know we were 12, i thought we were 15 sh it my bad! its not like she's a f#!king prostitue she's a 15 year old girl having some fun! im pretty sure everyone has some fun! OMG her underwear is showing its the end of the world! how about you mind your own bloody business before you call us, bit ches, sl ut's crab infested porn stars, crack heads, Becasue sorry my dear, 1. we are crack heads, by the looks of your profile picture you must be one. 2. everyone does duck face's and 3. the girl showing her undies si not a porn star infact she is a loving girl with an incredible SENSE OF HUMOR and an amazing girl inside and out so shut your mouth before you come on to my photo and say sh it! and for the people who are being nice, (breannaaa-louiseee and Ryan.A.P) thankyou even though i have never met you! your kind! elyle go and fopr a matter of fact we can do what we want. and do need your stupid and retarded comments! bye and i wish you luck, cause you need it! xoxo Beach_vans
12 yrs ago | View
umm like in breana and umm like f#!k off hah that was cute. your right the are lil bit prettier then the s#!t i step on haha. look at you tren to be a good friend.* claps * nice try
12 yrs ago | View
BreannaaLouiseeXX<3 :)
@elyle ummm like f#!k off! they dont need yur s#!t. get the f#!k over your self!!!! they arnt anything you called them! they are beautiful girls! so why dont you just go do something else with yur life. like seriously dont you have anything better to do with yur life other then bag people out!
12 yrs ago | View
you guys are bumb at first. no one wants to see and 12year old duck facing bitch. a creepy crack head in the back.and the next crab infested porn star. thats what people dont want to see. p.s if your gunna show your under wear atleast wear like a f#!king thong or something cute damn
12 yrs ago | View
hahahh agreed :)
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
BreannaaLouiseeXX<3 :)
ummmm @wolfpack how is Ryanz post not nice? get the f#!k over yur self!
12 yrs ago | View
how is it not nice? its not like she acully showing anything, am i right? an you shouldnt even care anyways
12 yrs ago | View
@Ryan- i love you lainy-bear.....if you don't got a nice pic to post don't post it- that's what my momma always says
12 yrs ago | View
why are pll so rude?, its their choice to take the pic an put it on here, if ya dont got anything nice to say dont say it at all- as my mom says hahahahaha
12 yrs ago | View
BreannaaLouiseeXX<3 :)
you girls are heaps prettyyy ((:
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
dont call me a s!#t just because girls arent aloud to have some fun every onse and a while. Im definetly not lady like and I know that. i couldnt give a s#!t if you thought that i was a s!#t but hay sometimes you just need to keep your opinions to yourself. oh and by the way I have anorexia. I dont need more low selfessteem grow up look at the photo and mind your own businness. ohh look out she got her undies hanging out. wow youve never seen a girls undies hay? well you just did and the person whpo showd them doesnt care. and nor does any girl need another persons hurtful commets inflicted on them. you dont know me your judging on this photo. but for the people that do know me they know that its just a joke. ahahhahhahha you need to calm your s#!t brutha! beach_vans
12 yrs ago | View
freak body quady
she freaked out i wanna be where yall at.
12 yrs ago | View
calm yo tits bitch. if you and your s!#t friend wanna post this s#!t thats fune...i'm over it. bye
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
wolfpack, i dont care and neither does my friend with her undies showing, i posted this photo a month ago drop it cause it doesnt bother her. so what, girls are aloud to post photo's basically showing there boobs and guys are aloud to take photo's without shirts on showing there jocks its the same wow she's showing her underwear not like its gonna kill someone. younger kids are gonna do it, its not like she's fully naked and its not being sent to every mobile phone its just her undies pulled down one side, so drop it.
12 yrs ago | View
Ok, so you can take pics in ur underwear all you want to, but you should REALLY consider NOT posting these kind of pics on foto friends. There are younger kids in here who really don't need to see this stuff or be influenced by any of this. You also portray yourself as quite a s!#t. "hey I should pull my pants down and take a picture, let's post it on fotofriends!!!" Look I'm not hating but come on this dies not need to be on here, for the public.
12 yrs ago | View
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
Maddiee bruhz im the one on the right sorry i forgot we were both pointing!
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
12 yrs ago | View
I agree with @Maddie bruhz
12 yrs ago | View
whats that girl name :P she cute
12 yrs ago | View
whats that girl name :P she cute
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
youse are all beautiful! dw. kk have fun. live your life.
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
your left or right ? andf nah its alright those people are so judgemental.
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
thanks Maddiee Bruhz its my friend showing her underwear im pointing my finger ahah, but she would really appreciate that thankyou!
12 yrs ago | View
Hu Li chang
i don't kno what to say
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
12 yrs ago | View
Hu Li chang
12 yrs ago | View
Maddiee bruhz <3
,'girlsgirlsgirls- its not like shes showing off her f#!king vag, leave her alone let the girl haver some fun in life you only live once alright, its not like shes getting naked and upoading it. so have some respect and let the beautiful gurl have some fun got k. if you dont leave her alonee she will tell me even tho she doesnt no me but she will and youse willll cop it got it k thanks. btw your beautiful dont let the other gurls put you down alright pretty.!
12 yrs ago | View
All good :)
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
thankyou! vvv
12 yrs ago | View
Gosh why all the hate can't girsl just have some fun :\
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
@cazza if you are blind, she is wearing pants and its ellen she's a wild child and i love her to bits got a problem with well you dont have to worry cause you dont know us. so f#!k off with your judgemental comments and leave her the f#!k alone it is a free country for a f#!king reason, she does what she wants when she wants! so f#!k off.
12 yrs ago | View
Meerkittykat♥whoLoves Blayke
Lovely photo ;P hahah u girls look gawjus :)
12 yrs ago | View
@Yo Bitch Cook Me Some Eggs! yeah i feel its nothin wring with her tho i like her undiee they look so pretty on her
12 yrs ago | View
The best Aunty in the world :)
@Yo Bitch Cook Me Some Eggs! hay
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Nahh not you, just all these otther chicks commenting that need to learn to shut their mouths
12 yrs ago | View
@Yo Bitch Cook Me Some Eggs! me?
12 yrs ago | View
she pretty ll
12 yrs ago | View
Eat your dinner!
Ellen (the girl in the middle) is one of the nicest and most prettiest chicks i know. Yous should all just stop being so judgemental and f#!k off, yeah ?
12 yrs ago | View
whats her name
12 yrs ago | View
The best Aunty in the world :)
@cazza i don't think she has any
12 yrs ago | View
in pain over a boy!
um do u have normal pants!!
12 yrs ago | View
she cute n the middle
12 yrs ago | View
Vans_Beach <3
@beach_vans they just jelly ! You girls are beautiful
12 yrs ago | View
Shantell Maree
aww yeah because your with us all the time.. how do u no we arnt virgins huh..!! maybe you should just shut the f#!k up c#!t
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
hahaha yew wellcomess!! Forget the Haters!! :) Btw's you all are Gawjuss!! :)
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
thankyou! the girl with her undies showing f#!king loves you thanks baby g xoxoxoxo
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
@beach_vans you tell em' girl!!! lolhahahaha and people chill cause you chicks post pics of your bending down and you know your boobs is hanging out but you do it cause you think your cute.. so stfu and stop the jelly-stuff.. lol
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
do grannys were g strings, cause its a g string at the back!
12 yrs ago | View
beach_vans <3
well one were virgins so were not loose like use bitches
12 yrs ago | View
Shantell Maree
that makes me sick..!! dnt no how use could do that..!! yuk
12 yrs ago | View
♥Jade♥.. *Wild One*
hahaha Victoria Secrets!! lol
12 yrs ago | View
yes :L
12 yrs ago | View
<--- I Rep' Thaat West :D
@Tanishaaay! ; i rekonn aee ;)
12 yrs ago | View
hahahah :L this is so shamee, lets all go posting photo's likle this, you must be ashamed, this is disgusting, good luck having a bad reputation swettie!!
12 yrs ago | View
Isla-Rose xo
Isla* yeh 15 pash bands ;)
12 yrs ago | View
Isla-Rose xo
u cant even see him
12 yrs ago | View
Isla-Rose xo
wats tht actually of????
12 yrs ago | View
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12 yrs ago | View
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12 yrs ago | View
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12 yrs ago | View
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12 yrs ago | View
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12 yrs ago | View
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12 yrs ago | View
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