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15 yrs old from United States. Followed By 1, Following 2
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@prestonn dont say that cuz im pretty sure i can make you love your self bad boy lol
3 yrs ago | View
or trust myself
3 yrs ago | View
@ᏝᎧᏉᏋᎷᏗᏒᎥᏋ thats perfect communication is the best thing in ny kind of relationship. You cant expect someone to stay with you and stick round if they dont feel like they are trusted, if they feel like theirs a wall up. love is built on patience trust and loyalty and we cnt have that when we close up and dont allow anyone in
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY ill never love myself
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn people come and go, but love doesn't. If they dont stick around then they don't their not the right person for you.
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@MEMISSY thats something I canl't do
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY yea im in a relationship rn and it was hard too let myself open up because i was scared of getting hurt again but sometimes i have to take risk to do things and well it was scary but im glad i opened up even thou its still kind of hard but yea
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn well for starters you need to love yourself, you need to trust yourself, and you need to be honest with yourself.
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY im also scared of that
3 yrs ago | View
@ᏝᎧᏉᏋᎷᏗᏒᎥᏋ love is a powerful thing. but as a teenagers we see attraction as what love is. But were still learning to love others and ourselves, and that okay
3 yrs ago | View
its one of my biggest fears
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. as long is the love is real it could be the best thing in world, your not scared of love your scared of loving someone and not being loved back
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY i agree with u
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn im not scared of love im scared of being used or lied to. i'm scared of rejection or vulnerabilty of my feelings
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
thats soooo truee
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn i tld my mom that a while back when i was going through soemthing and she said why would u be scared of something when phtyscologcal you cant help but feel that way
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
honestly me too but I go for it and don''t let my guard down
3 yrs ago | View
yeah ik
3 yrs ago | View
lets put it this way im scared of love in gerenal
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
things happen
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn you shouldnt be scared to feel
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn same lol
3 yrs ago | View
im bored
3 yrs ago | View
3 yrs ago | View
ok im turnt pussy boi be talkin dont go and get hurt
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY im scared to feel
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. you bored lol
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. ohk
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. wheres mary lol
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@MEMISSY like I said none of my business
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. yes it is were friends and i called him it out in public so
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@MEMISSY it's none of my business what you do or call him
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. thats just what ive called him since we met (its an inside joke) i rlly love calling him that ill stop if you want
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@MEMISSY nothin it's all good
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. im sorry what did I say
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. wym
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. aww my good bad boy is scared of getting hurt
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn yeah grace is an amazing girl with a good heart she wouldnt do that to you and me i would never ever hurt you
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@prestonn I doubt that any of either of us would purposely hurt you
3 yrs ago | View
im sorry but rn is not a good time for me to be datin well it is but i dont want a reationship to me i feel at the end im going to get hurt again
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY ok you two listen to me well ok
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn no i didnt say that i only said that stuff to make the decision easier for you cause i didnt want to make anyone hurt
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@prestonn I am not losing feelings for you
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn i support you in whatever you decide preston yk that right
3 yrs ago | View
its the perfect life when know one likes you its great i love it
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY ik u dont like me know more and barb is lossing feelins for me
3 yrs ago | View
@Barbara C. same i will support him in whatever decision he makes but its just killing me to not know
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn idk it dont matter
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
@MEMISSY I am not confused, he is gonna do what he wants and I support him no matter what
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY oooooo u ment that well idc whos feelings i hurt but i kinda only like one of u yall now
3 yrs ago | View
i would get put in a physc ward if i said my thoughts aloud
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn the whole you like both of us thing ig
3 yrs ago | View
whats going on in my head no one needs to know thst
3 yrs ago | View
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn but tbh me and grace kinda are confused about whats going on in your head
3 yrs ago | View
@MEMISSY missy ur ok but im just tired o everyoone flipping out over a joke that happen a munth ago
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn and i dont think nohing bad about you i was just telling her what i heard so we could all be on the same page and im sorry if my comment hurt you. joshua kinda got it in my head that thats what was happening and it took me a while but i kinda begin to believe it
3 yrs ago | View
@prestonn im sorry no your fine you were just speaking your mind and thats cool
3 yrs ago | View
im sorry if i made someone mad
3 yrs ago | View
im out
3 yrs ago | View
i said what i said so if theres a problem then just dont talk to me again
3 yrs ago | View
for the 0ne millionth damn time i dont have a gf kenzie u need to quite over thinking and insagating s#!t bruh u always f#!king do it and im not playing anyone so yall can get that off ya brain so idrc what think about me now yall can think i have a gf when i dont irdc yall do yall im tired of this and im done everyone of yall has texted me someway some how asking if i have a gf when i freaking dont
3 yrs ago | View
Mary Jones
Oof I just seen that preston sent me a snap n ir had a child un it
3 yrs ago | View
Mary Jones
I can get on email and reminding an hour
3 yrs ago | View
@Shorty 😂❤ hi
3 yrs ago | View
Barbara C.
3 yrs ago | View
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